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John Kaminiski

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Sept. 29, 20120

Notice to readers


Dear reader,


Back in 2004, I'm the one who first said the Jews did 9/11, remember? For that I got banned everywhere, bans which are still mostly in effect. The corrupt websites and radio shills, their skids greased by Jewish advertisers and supporters, all said to me: "How can you say that? It's anti-Semitic!"


Now everybody's saying it, because it's obvious. I started it.


Most of the big websites, like the mainstream phonies, still won't go near the subject, except in a pansy-ass way, trying to maintain their Jewish money flow.


Worse, a majority of the supposedly hip new websites are modeled on the corrupt Alex Jones formula, and while they blather on about how bad the U.S. government without ever mentioning that it is completely controlled by Jews. These websites get a lot of support from people who are too cowardly to admit the truth that rich Jews are destroying both the country and the planet.


Rich Jews who control the White House and all the media did 9/11. Period. All of them, especially those who keep silent but pretend to be on our side, are responsible.


We need to do much, much more than deport them. But it won't happen. They control everything, even what you think.


There's really a whole lot more to realize.


They control the whole U.S. government and every police force in the country; their mass murder program through medicine and electronic control of our minds has been under way for ten years or more; then there's the radiation making people drop like flies on the West Coast, which is now covered with radioactive Japanese garbage; Alzheimer's skyrocketing from the substances in the chemtrails; and a nationwide policy in the hospitals to kill everyone over 65 as quickly as possible.


I could go on, because there are lot more things happening. The worst is nobody can think for themselves anymore because every house and building in the country is wired to communicate subliminal messages that your ears can't hear but your mind can.


It's much later than you think, people, and very few people have a clue about even some of this stuff.


The politicians throw millions to their crooked friends and the robots on TV say that's good, while I sit here trying to tell people that everything they know is a lie and try to figure out how I'm going to eat for the next three days and nobody can hear a goddamned word I'm saying.


They're either lost in their religious delusions or still think The New York Times and CNN are telling them the truth.


So after writing nearly 2,000 stories over ten years, this is what I have to do.




This notice does not apply to:


• Anyone who has ever sent me any amount of money (or plants or food or books!) during the last ten years.


• Anyone who has a worthwhile (IMHO) website working for what I'm working for, or even anything close to what I'm working for.


• Any serious email forwarder working for said cause (and I do know who you are!).


• Anybody with whom I am currently involved in serious conversations on at least a semi-regular basis (and thank you for the privilege).


Everybody else, listen up.


I'm tired of working for nothing. I'm tired of busting my butt to provide you with the most relevant information about everything that I can find that hasn't already been written by somebody else.


I'm tired of sending out 600 or so emails several times a week (most of the time, unless I'm working on a more complex project) and getting no responses, no support, and no encouragement.


I'm tired of being supported and encouraged by only two people consistently and a dozen others sporadically.


I'm tired of going hungry the last week of every month, I'm tired of worrying about my 22-year-old car dying (it just did, on a day when I have $18 in my pocket, $44 in my bank account, no food in the house, and no other assets), and I'm tired of worrying about my 50-year-old trailer falling down, which it is in the process of doing.


With the support I've received, I should have quit doing this a long time ago, and jumped off a bridge. A lot of early supporters fell off the bandwagon when I fingered the Jews exclusively as the reason for most of the world's problems. Their cowardice makes me sick.


So here's the deal. As soon as I send this email, I am ruthlessly chopping out all the dead weight on my mailing list, aiming to cut my list in half, eliminating people I haven't heard from in months or years.


My past philosophy has been that people would recognize the worth of what I'm doing and support me in my efforts. I never wanted to charge for anything, because I think what I do is important, and people would recognize that.


Largely, they haven't.


So it's time to ditch the dead weight. If, after a couple of weeks, the response is inadequate, I'll stop writing these stories completely, and limit my correspondence to the small number of people whom I know do support me.


Except for exceptions listed above, to continue to receive these emails now costs $100 a year, payable immediately. Of course, anyone who wishes explain why they can't (and I know there are many in this category) can continue to receive them without sending anything, or, if possible, by sending a lesser amount.


Thank you for your kind attention.


And a serious thank you to all those who have provided my websites, and kept me going for as long as I have, especially to Bob in DC, Andrew Winkler, Tony O'Neill, Dave Patterson, Tony Graffeo, the late Paul Fearon and David Marvasti; I couldn't have done any of this without you.


I have always been reluctant to name my major supporters out fear for their safety and fear that what has happened to me would happen to them, but you know who are and I very sincerely thank you for making this ten-year, 2,000 story run possible.


Best wishes,


John Kaminski


Contributions only by mail (Pay Pal banned me for writing about Jews because it's a Jew company).


Mail to:


John Kaminski


250 N. McCall Rd. #2,


Englewood FL 34223 USA


Thank you. Or goodbye.