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Netanyahu (in so many words) : 'If any of you political clowns acknowledge that we Jews did 9-11 we'll blow the world to hell, starting with 9-11 Truther Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and ending with you and Baby Snooks who lives up your street.'

The Truthseeker

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Sept. 26, 3023

The soldier (Is this an Israeli soldier on 9/11?) who was filmed on the afternoon of September 11th, 2001, warning of WTC7's collapse (2½ hours in advance of its demolition). Although he was wearing the insignia of the 42nd Infantry Division, he was clearly foreign from the way he spoke: "Building's going to collapse. Nothing informations." I could not at the time find anything tangible linking him to Israel and perhaps identifying him as IDF. (You can watch the brief (3 second) video here (or download).)



I don't know how the possibility that they were guarding the entrance to the building escaped me, having identified the location, but while researching the possibility that Larry Silverstein may have served as treasurer for the Jonathan Institute (thanks to a post by Real Truther over at WTCDemolition: More Links Between Silverstein and Netanyahu), I instantly recognised the New York address of American Friends of the Jonathan Institute.


On the 8th floor of the building in front of which the soldiers directly stand - 277 Broadway - is American Friends of the Jonathan Institute.


For conclusive proof, see the images below and in the previous post.


American Friends of the Jonathan Institute is currently registered as a tax-emempt charitable organization at:







It seems the Jonathan Institute has had "American Friends" right from its inception in the late 70s: first registered as a non-profit, tax-emempt corporation on 3/10/1977 in Washington.



The Jonathan Institute was founded by none other than Benjamin Netanyahu. He named it after his brother Jonathan who died in the Entebbe airport raid.


You should all, of course, be aware of it if you've read MonkeySeeMonkeyDo's post: Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!:


Netanyahu and the Global Zionists would rather see the entire world destroyed than see justice done for the crimes of 9-11.  These people are that narcissistic and insane.



This is our punishment for letting so many people over the years steer us clear of talking about the obvious role played by Mossad, Israel, Netanyahu, and the House if Rothschild in the crimes of 9-11.


They must be removed from power... now!  Before it's too late!


  "Netanyahu needs the 9/11-triggered 100-years-war on Islam to continue for the very good reason that if it does not, the State of Emergency still in place in the US will be lifted, and Americans, unencumbered by the National Security restrictions of wartime, will quickly learn what really happened on September 11th, 2001. That possibility poses a very real existential threat to Israel – and to Netanyahu.  As Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, told Press TV: “I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period. If Americans ever know that Israel did this, they are going to scrub them off the earth.”


Israel Seeks War on Iran to Keep Lid on 9/11

by Kevin Barrett,

September 25, 2012


Almost every politically-aware person on the planet is puzzled by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s bizarre obsession with Iran. Netanyahu is risking his political career, his reputation, and Israel’s future by intervening in the US presidential elections.


He is using all of Zionism’s considerable might – including organized crime assets like “Las Vegas Godfather” Sheldon Adelson – to force Obama to attack Iran; or, failing that, to make sure that Obama is defeated by the Zionist puppet Romney. There are even rumors of Israeli-sponsored assassination attempts on Obama.


Even the rabidly pro-Zionist Jewish Daily Forward has editorialized:


“It’s difficult to recall a time when an Israeli prime minister has inserted himself into a presidential election campaign in the way that Benjamin Netanyahu has. It’s even harder to recall a time when a trusted ally openly urged the American president to undertake a questionable, unpopular and highly risky war. We sure hope Netanyahu knows what he’s doing, because the stakes for him – and for the two nations he professes to care about the most – could not be higher.”


The Jewish Daily Forward has good reasons to wonder whether Netanyahu knows what he’s doing. The editorialist cites polls showing that the American people strongly oppose attacking Iran, even if war breaks out between Iran and Israel and only US intervention could save Israel!  These polls show that American voters no longer give a damn whether Israel, which has chosen to live by the sword, finally dies by the sword. As Dave Lindorff observes, Netanyahu’s mad obsession with pushing the US into yet another unwanted war for Israel “may have fundamentally undermined the long-standing ‘special relationship’ between the US and Israel.”


And still Netanyahu continues on this seemingly suicidal course. He even orders the Mossad and its CIA assets including Gladio veteran Terry Jones to unleash a rabidly anti-Islam film, spammed into the faces of every Muslim on the planet via millions of dollars of computer server time and intelligence agency expertise – an obvious attempt to fan the flames of Islamophobia and pave the way to a US war on Iran for Israel. Obama, who is on record saying he hates Netanyahu and that Netanyahu is a liar, and who knows that Netanyahu manufactured the “Innocence of Muslims” crisis to try to get Romney elected, responded by refusing to meet with Netanyahu in New York, and going on the David Letterman Show instead. A more blatant snub could hardly be imagined.


So, what in the world is Netanyahu really up to? Does he actually believe that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, even though the CIA has certified that it does not?


Of course, he doesn’t really believe such nonsense. Even hard-line Israeli strategists admit that Iran appears to be only developing nuclear expertise, not actual weapons. Furthermore, Iran has not attacked another nation in centuries.


Since the “nuclear crisis” is a hoax (like alleged Iraqi WMD in 2003), then what is the real reason for Netanyahu’s Iran obsession? Is it the Iranian government’s support for anti-Zionist resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, and its calls for an end to Zionism through free and fair elections?


Perhaps. Iran’s open commitment to principled anti-Zionism represents the nearly unanimous position of the people of the Middle East, who have never accepted the genocidal Zionist entity as a legitimate state. Israel has been able to bully every other government in the region into shameful silence. The Islamic Republic of Iran will not be silenced. Threats to level Iran with bombs seeks to send a message to future Middle Eastern governments: Do not give a voice to your people’s resistance to Zionism, or else!


But while starting a war might seek to punish Iran for its anti-Zionism, such a war would carry terrible risks for Israel. In the impossible event that all goes well for Israel on the battlefield, the suffering of the people of Iran would probably shame the world into turning against Zionism even more sharply than the world turned against apartheid in the 1980s.


But there is no guarantee that things would go well for Israel on the battlefield. Iran has the capability to riddle Israel with rocket attacks, or even to take out Israel’s Dimona nuclear facility and perhaps render Israel and much of the surrounding region permanently uninhabitable. And Israel does not have the capability to seriously damage Iran’s nuclear energy program without US help. If the US intervened on the side of Israel, Iran could shut the Straits of Hormuz, and possibly sink many, if not all, of the ships there with Sunburn missiles, driving gasoline prices over USD 10 a gallon and paralyzing the world economy.


Additionally, Iran has the capability to massively attack the US bases that surround it, killing thousands, if not tens of thousands, of US soldiers. A US president, especially one who dislikes Netanyahu and puts America’s interests ahead of Israel’s, would be very unlikely to help Netanyahu attack Iran


Though these 45 American bases threaten Iran, Iran nevertheless has the ability to destroy each of these bases with its long-range missiles, inflicting death on tens of thousands of American soldiers. Iranian anti-ship missiles (like the deadly Sunburns) can easily sink America’s huge aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, drowning 7000 marines on board each ship.  (LD)


“The entire lake will become a killing field…the Gulf will run red with American blood.” — Military specialist Mark Gaffney.


Given that a war on Iran is an all-loss proposition for Israel, why is Netanyahu fanatically fanning the flames of war, to the extent that even his American Zionist cheering section is baffled and embarrassed by his behavior?


Some question Netanyahu’s intelligence, arguing that he is just a furniture salesman who has been promoted far beyond his level of competence. While there may be some truth to this – I certainly wouldn’t want to overestimate Netanyahu’s intelligence – I don’t think he’s quite that stupid. I think Netanyahu has a very good reason to prefer war with Iran, despite all its risks, to peace. I think he does know what he’s doing.


Netanyahu needs the 9/11-triggered 100-years-war on Islam to continue for the very good reason that if it does not, the State of Emergency still in place in the US will be lifted, and Americans, unencumbered by the National Security restrictions of wartime, will quickly learn what really happened on September 11th, 2001. That possibility poses a very real existential threat to Israel – and to Netanyahu.


As Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, told Press TV: “I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period. If Americans ever know that Israel did this, they are going to scrub them off the earth.”


And even if Israel were “scrubbed off the earth” peacefully through a one-state solution, Netanyahu would certainly hang for his role in the 9/11 attacks.