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Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust!

Socio-Economics & History Commentary

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Sept. 26, 2012


  • History as presented in the public MSM is a set of propaganda and outright lies. The Zionist controlled western MSM promotes the idea that a certain ‘ethnic’ group of people are always the victims. They are never the perpetrator of genocide. You don’t hear about the atrocities perpetrated by them especially against Christians. The cult of victimhood is busted. Truth will set us all free!


  • See also: Mark Weber: The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime! During Which 20+ Million Russians Died !



    By Brother Nathanael Kapner (Jew, Christian)


    JEWS WANT THE WORLD to believe that they have a monopoly on “Holocaust Remembrances.” But Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko has thrown the Jews a curve by dedicating 2008 as “Ukrainian Holocaust Remembrance Year” Here.This “holocaust remembrance” recalls the murder by forced starvation of *6 million* Ukrainian Christians by the Jewish Bolsheviks. The Ukrainians call this holocaust “Holodomor” which means “Famine-Genocide.” Of course the Zionist Jews deny it. Just like they deny all of their numerous crimes against humanity.


    Historian Valentyn Moroz of the Institute for Historical Review wrote:


    — “The Ukrainian village had long been recognized as the bastion of national traditions. The Bolsheviks sought to strike a fatal blow at the village structure because it was the lifespring of the vital national spirit.” Here.


    Indeed, Bolshevik Jews were the chief architects of the Ukrainian forced-famine which eliminated Ukrainian clergy and 6 million Ukrainian Orthodox Christians!

  • Ukrainian genocide! Deliberate starvation. Source: Ukrainian_genocide_deliberate-Starvation


    1) Lazar Kaganovich: Stalin’s political figurehead of the Central Committee. In 1928, Kaganovich led the implementation in the Ukraine of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan.


    ~ The aim of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan in the Ukraine was to destroy family farms through starvation making the peasants “landless” and thereby introducing “collectivization” by which the Ukrainian peasants were forced to become employees of the state. This forced-famine reached its crises point in 1932.


    2) Genrikh Yagoda: Founder of the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police). Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants.


    3) Nikolai Yezhov: Appointed by Yagoda as Head of the NKVD. Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants. (Yezhov took on a “Russian” name like most Bolshevik Jews. His wife was an active Jew).


    These Bolshevik Jews seized livestock, crops, grain, and farm implements from the Ukrainian peasants. Any Ukrainian citizen who resisted them was shot. Desperate Ukrainian clergy and peasants ate anything to survive: bugs, grass, and leather shoes.


    See: “Jewish Journalist Exposes Jewish Murderers” Here

    Ukrainian genocide! Source:


    “Fresh from the controversy over shifting positions on the Armenian genocide, the Jews could be caught up in another controversy over Ukrainian-genocide recognition,” reports the Baltimore Times Here.


    Yushchenko has pressed the genocide issue since taking office in 2005. In 2007 more than two dozen countries recognized the Holodomor as genocide. Yet the Jews of the Ukraine and around the world refuse to recognize it! Ukraine’s chief Rabbi Yakov Dov Bleich said:


    — “We can’t equate the Holocaust of the Jews in Germany with the Holodomor in Ukraine. Ukrainian Jewish leaders do not support recognizing the Holodomor as genocide.” — Baltimore Jewish Times, Nov 14 2007.


    I GREW UP AS A JEW. Jews want a monopoly on the world’s “sympathy.” But the Jews do not deserve the world’s sympathy as the Ukrainian Christian clergy and peasants deserve it. For they were *innocent victims* of the forced famine.


    JEWS HAVE *NEVER* been the innocent victims of any “holocaust.” I have proved this by my many articles such as HERE backed up with historical facts!

Revelation 2:9 - .... and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.