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Maurice Pinay

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Sept. 13, 2012


Chabad Lubavitch 'Rebbe' Menachem Mendel Schneerson:


    "[Medieval Ashkenazic Talmudic 'sage'] Rashi begins his commentary on the very first verse of the Torah ... 'In the beginning' ... it is the very first thing taught to a young Jewish child ... the first thing one studies with a child ... Rashi wrote his commentary for five year old children ... Rashi comes and tells a five year old child: 'You come into contact with non-Jews, and when they come to you and claim that you're a thief; that you stole the land of Israel from the non-Jewish nations, do not invent your own responses but tell him the truth as stated in Torah: God recorded his mighty works in the Book of Genesis only in order to document the Jewish people's right to the land of Israel.' And since the Torah of Truth [that is, Rashi's commentary on Genesis] tells you that this should be your response, there's no doubt that in the end it will be effective."


That Judaic children have been instilled with such megalomaniacal psychopathy at such a young age certainly explains much of what we witness in this era of Judaic ascendancy.



Lubavitch Rebbe - Memories of Netanyahu:

From:  Rod Remelin


Everywhere in the establishment media the question is being raised, "what have we learned since 9-11?" and everywhere the answers given are calculated to assure that nothing truly relevant is learned about the fundamental function of this recurring 9-11 psychodrama. Those with an understanding of the religion of Judaism will have at least a faint understanding of what has happened to the West since 9-11.


In Judaism, Judaic people are re-traumatized each year by a tale of paranoia and vengeance from the book of Esther according to which 'The Jews' are allegedly threatened with annihilation but then preemptively annihilate their perceived attackers first.


Since 9-11, the West is annually re-traumatized by a solemn retelling of the 9-11 terror attacks in a not-very-subtle justification for ongoing alleged preemptive vengeance. (Note however that 9-11 only grants Goys permission to attack 'enemies' selected for them by the Judaic establishment: people and nations constituting obstacles to the 'greater Israel' project. Goys don't have the Judaic establishment's permission to bring their real enemies to justice who very often are part of, or servants of, the Judaic establishment themselves. This may be evident to those who understand the two-tiered, double-standard nature and 'Noahide'/Judaic relationship of the religion of Judaism. 9-11 is, strictly speaking, a 'Noahide' version of Purim.


According to Judaism, the universe and everything in it exists only to serve 'The Jews.' A 'Noahide' is a non-Judaic person who has resigned himself to live according to this delusion, therefore his existence is valid only to the degree that he is a servant to Judaic interests. The paranoia and rage fostered in non-Judaic people by the annual retelling of the 9-11 terror attack is valid only to the degree that it's channeled to advance Judaic interests; in support for destruction of more countries in the proximity of the 'greater Israel' project.)


Also see:


Purim, Subversion and Vengeance


More on Amalek


Amalek, Haman, Ahmadinejad and Reincarnation