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AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know — Revisited

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Sept. 4, 2012

Editor’s Note: With the US presidential campaign circus under way, some kind of education offensive is essential to keep the pressure on. 

This video, is a 15 minute Masterpiece , by Anthony Lawson, that  powerfully demonstrates, why it doesn’t matter which candidate wins, Democrat or Republican; once he or she has taken the proverbial 30 pieces of silver, he is expected to do AIPAC’s bidding (American Israel Public Affairs Committee, America’s pro-Israel Lobby).

Every year US citizens dutifully pay their federal taxes which are then used for many purposes, one of which is to supply aid in various forms to Israel, currently estimated at 3 billion dollars per year, Lawson states, it is self-evident that some of this money is bound to find its way back to the United States to be used to top up the Election campaign funds for politicians.  Politicians who when elected will be very keen to vote even more aid to Israel next time around.

According to Lawson, citizens of other nations need not be complacent, for there is much evidence to suggest that the same pressures are being brought to bear on their politicians and officials to support Israel’s excesses.

RNC Sham 2012

The Convention is where delegates are meant to cast votes for the nominee, yet the Tampa Bay Times Forum was already plastered with embedded Romney banners, and additional ‘Mitt’ signs for people to hold were also smuggled in to make it appear that many are behind him. All Ron Paul material was promptly confiscated. Read more