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Jon Carlson

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aUG. 26, 2012

After Obama ordered an ATOMIC BOMB exploded in the BP Gulf of Mexico oil well FOUR AND A HALF MILES DEEP (A ship captain saw the green flash always associated with atomic bombs.), the oil rig was abandoned by the FBI, the Navy, the Coast Guard, etc.allowing free reign FOR THREE DAYS for Nazi operatives to sail out in FOUR platform supply vessels. THERE ARE NO FIREBOATS IN THE GULF!


Hours passed before the rig gave word it would resume the mud transfer, but it never happened. Instead, sometime after 9 p.m., drilling fluid began shooting out of the well, coating his vessel like “black rain,” said Alwin Landry, captain of the Damon B. Bankston.

Then came a loud hiss, what he called a “GREEN FLASH,” alarms and the start of one of the nation's worst offshore disasters.


Cutter explosive charges created TWO 25 foot square holes in each 90 foot wide oil rig leg. One boat for each leg. The Nazis started filling the leg pontoons until the oil rig sunk pulling the pipe to the wellhead to the seafloor bending it in half creating the most destructive oil flow in history.


Nazis deceive, plunder American Deepwater Horizon American insurer.

The liable insurance company believed that it was impossible to sink the 400 foot by 400 foot oil rig! The company owner said the loss was within the company's expected loss range, and that the claim was paid without any proof of loss. "CNN gave us the proof," Robert Berkley said. He added that Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway was a potential beneficiary since that organization can put out massive limits. So a win, win for the Nazis as Buffet speaks broken English (see below).

"The moment the oil rig fire started, they could have solved the problem by pumping mud down the wellpipe," his father said later. Firemen tend to dump water on a fire, and therefore, when the explosion and fire occurred, "the fireboats went out and filled the legs of the rig with water," instead of letting it burn in a controlled way. That is what caused the rig to sink, he said. (source) His stupidity cost his company $5 million!


Heroic BP got the blame from Obama and German-owned US newspapers but worked a miracle shutting it down to the chagrin of the Nazis. After all was done the NAZI FBI showed up to grab the BOP shutoff valve saying it was the culprit and they were going to check it out. America is still waiting.

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 31

BP Gulf Oil Well Sabotaged For Hitler's Birthday


Congress Nazis Block Legit Gulf BP Atomic Bomb Expose'


The House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee unanimously voted to establish a bipartisan, independent, National Commission on Outer Continental Shelf Oil Spill Prevention to uncover FACTS behind the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico during and after the Atomic bomb detonation four and a half miles deep in the Deepwater Horizon BP oil well causing a shock wave that exited the well stack killing 11 workers and injuring 6 others.

HOWEVER, Nazi (see below) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stripped out authorization for an independent investigation into the Gulf disaster.

Unlike the commission set up by Obomba — packed only with environmental activists and no petroleum engineers — the commission unanimously approved by the Natural Resources Committee wascomprised of technical experts to study the actual events leading up to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The Senate had also approved an independent commission but Nazis control the Senate leadership also.

After the destruction of the independent commission, Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), the amendment’s author, proclaimed:

“To investigate what went wrong and keep it from happening again, the commission must include members who have expertise in petroleum engineering. The President’s Commission has none,” “It defies common sense that this amendment passed unanimously in committee, only to be deleted in the Speaker’s office.” “This bill has less to do with preventing another spill than it does preventing domestic energy production.”

Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.), top Republican on the Natural Resources Committee said the Obama’s administration’s commission was set up to protect Obama.

“By deleting the bipartisan, independent oil spill commission that’s received bipartisan support in both House and Senate committees, Democrats have shown they are more interested in protecting the President than getting independent answers to what caused this tragic Gulf spill. Some of the biggest failures that contributed to the Gulf disaster are the direct responsibility of the federal government and by deleting this bipartisan, independent commission, Democrats ensure that only the President’s hand-picked commission will be digging into any failures of his own Interior Department appointees. There is widespread agreement that no member of the President’s commission possesses technical expertise in oil drilling, and several are on the record in opposition to offshore drilling and support a moratorium that will cost thousands of jobs,” Hastings said.


Another member of the committee, Rep. John Fleming (R-La.), pointed out that the hand-picked Obama commission is just getting underway with no findings or recommendations made.

“This ‘fix it’ bill is being rammed through without an accurate and full understanding of what actually went wrong. The Presidential Commission is just barely beginning its work, no investigations are yet concluded, and the failed [blowout preventer] still on the ocean floor, yet we are voting on a bill without knowing what went wrong,” Fleming said.


Nazi FBI hides BP well blowout preventer valve from America's eyes.

National Incident Commander Thad Allen said the blowout preventer is under supervision of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (source) The FIX IS IN!

Transocean, which leased the rig to BP, and Anadarko Petroleum Corp., a partner in the well, objected to the U.S. having sole control over the blowout preventer and its testing. The companies asked the New Orleans judge to allow them to help decide what happens to the equipment and how it’s examined.

Cameron International Corp., the maker of the blowout preventer, previously lost a bid to delay removal of the equipment. The company said plans risked losing or altering material evidence, and it asked to postpone retrieval to allow photographing and recording of conditions. A delay would interfere with continuing well-control operations, the judge said in denying the motion.

BP reported that they tested the BOP three days before the atomic bomb blast and it was in good condition!




The Nazis ACHILLES HEEL is their BROKEN SPOKEN ENGLISH. Teachers of English to Germans claim the pronunciation of American words is the killer for them. So listen to the Nazis on the tube as they try to sound American. Google transcripts and see the broken spoken Englsh. AND is their favorite word. Never a complex sentence in the whole transcript.

The Obama birth certificate lawyers speak broken English. Obama, Bauer, Berg, Lambert, Kreep, Van Irion, Ruemiller, Jablonski. The recent Georgia challenge to where Obama was made had ALL attorneys claiming birth in Hawaii with a Kenyan father WITHOUT A STITCH OF PROOF. In essence they promoted the LIES that Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961 to a BLACK Kenyan father and a white mother without presenting a legal document to support that claim.. Obama is saying he is BLACK to grab the Black vote who blindly support anything that resembles a Black in some way,shape, or form to their demise.

Establishing a pattern is a critical FBI detective technique. PROFILES. Take a group of people and notice their similarities. That forms a hypothesis that can be taken to the bank.

Rick Perry R Guilani R Nader L Panetta Michael Moore
GH Bush B Bush B Clinton H Clinton B Obama
J. Howard (Aus.) W Buffet Alex Jones R Murdoch T Blair (UK)
P Volcker Bernanke Greenspan K Rove J Roberts
Hamburg (FDA) J Boehner N Pelosi J Kerry GW Bush
T Geithner R Mueller B O'Reilly G Beck E Cantor
H. Kissinger R. Cheney D. Rumsfeld G Tenet D Petraeus
M Bloomberg J Brennan B Schieffer J Stewart A. Hellerstein
S Hoyer M Drudge B Gates C Matthews J. Gorelick
G Gensler B Chilton J Kallstorm S. Speilberg J. Lieberman
E Dole J Allen P Gramm D Feinstein  


Nazi Traits:

1) Broken spoken English

2) Lack of job qualifications: They are all hacks on the job.

3) UnAmerica acitivity

4) Bad manners and Egotistical

5) German or obviously made-up names

6) German birth (Our investigation puts Obama's birth in Thailand as a Buddhist.)

7) Easy college majors: law, political science, history, journalism. No difficult math or science majors. Lawyers are clerical lawyers, the probate and divorce guys. No trial lawyers with their poor spoken English.

8) No use for the Truth. Spies live a life of LIES. They are always looking over their shoulder for assassins.

9) Support the Iraq War

10) Promote 9/11 claiming the Nazis didn't do it.

11) Bad old country teeth as in Obama's false teeth.