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August 18, 2012

Israel's existence is an "insult to all humanity", Iran's President said yesterday in one of his sharpest attacks yet against the Jewish state, as Israel openly debates whether to attack Iran over its nuclear programme.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said confronting Israel is an effort to "protect the dignity of all human beings", adding: "The existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to all humanity". He was addressing worshippers at Tehran University after nationwide pro-Palestinian rallies, an annual event marking Quds Day on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

Mr Ahmadinejad also called Israel "a corrupt, anti-human organised minority group standing up to all divine values".

Meanwhile, in Lebanon, the leader of the Lebanese Shia militant Hezbollah says his group will transform the lives of millions of Israelis to "hell" if Israel attacks Lebanon.

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah says the group has a list of Israeli targets that it can hit with a few rockets.

"We can transform the lives of millions of Zionists in occupied Palestine to a real hell," he said.

Israeli leaders say "all options are on the table", in a clear reference to a military strike if they determine that other measures have failed.