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Mons Vaticanus: Sovereign Satanic City State of The Dead, Nazi’s & Whore of Babylon (VIDEO)(Updated July 30, 2012)

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July 30, 2012



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Call To Action: Chemtrails, Planned Wars, MK-Ultra — Enough Is Enough!

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ITK7:  So… you want a glimpse of  the “End Times” BEAST governmental system? Just glance back at dreaded Third Reich – devised, funded and organized by Jesuit-Papacy. Vatican officials along w/Churchill, Stalin and FDR conspired to transplant this dark menace to UK, Russia and US via Vatican Ratlines. Core Ashke-Nazi leadership was given new identities and prime leadership posts in mental health institutions, academia, aerospace and military-political-Intel agencies and of course Hollywood/Media. This was done to insure complete submission to Jesuit-Vatican & Papacy…
Vatican, Pope & Third Reich
The Nazis aka “The Nazis” — shortened name for “KNIGHTS OF THE REICH” is a Roman Catholic SPIRITUAL and TEMPORAL (lay order) organization first formed in 1933 upon signing of  “sacred” Reich Concordat between Franz von Papen (on behalf of Nazi Germany) and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII).   The term Nazi was first publicly used as the re-branded name for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) in 1933 upon devout Catholic leader –known as “Father” or Führer–(Fr.) Adolf Hitler assuming office as German Chancellor…

Hitler modeled Third Reich on Jesuit-Papal masters