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Infirmative action

John Kaminski

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July 12, 2012

Misguided social programs speed the demise of America


The last line of Orwell's '1984' — a boot stomping on a face forever — lingers in the evening mist, which smells faintly of gasoline from the recent torrential rain that turned all those green sea grape leaves a dark and shriveled red in the middle of a usually green summer. People who live on the bayous and all have Corexit rashes on their legs all marvel at the suddenly dying forests, and the many species of trees that appear to have been caught in a forest fire, shriveled silhouettes of their former selves, that had been burned to death by the rain.

So much for the news. It's endless and all bad. Let's analyze the program that has caused all this — the Jewish destabilization template.

People who say one thing and do another can't be trusted.

Consider for a moment the phrase "strength in diversity," which is constantly trumpeted by our media overlords as the perfect formula for a happy society.

Never forget for a moment who owns our media. Their hypocrisy becomes all the more stark when you consider the plight of African refugees to Israel.

These same Jewish commentators who urge Americans to embrace diversity among the races in neighborhoods and schools are absolutely opposed to it when it comes to Israel accepting real refugees from Ethiopia and Sudan. The Jews put these people in camps for further processing (i.e., extermination), showing that the concept of diversity is absolutely anathema to them, whereas on the Jewish TV stations and Jewish newspapers in the U.S. and other formerly powerful but now disintegrating countries, white viewers are continuously urged to embrace their colored neighbors, invite them into their homes, and appreciate their quaint customs.

Any rabbi will assist you if needed, but he won't take them home himself.

A more subtle demographic is the explosion of mixed race single parent children, which combined with both legal and illegal immigrants plus a mass media blitzkrieg elevating victimhood to the status of sainthood.

This has changed the nature of America from a melting pot where everyone was responsible for their own fortunes, to a holding cell, in which everyone awaits their government payoff for the disadvantages they claim have negatively affected their futures.

This is how you get egotistical black men perfectly able to work standing in line on the streets of New York to get their welfare checks, and saying, "This IS my work." It is also how you get a lot of desperate white mothers deliberately having children to get more welfare checks saying to themselves, "This is the best employment I can find, having babies. The darker the color, the more benefits."

At a time when illegal aliens routinely receive about double the benefits given to normal white American retirees on Social Security, and the federal government runs programs to actually PROVIDE real guns to real terrorists, more Americans are beginning to comprehend that everything is upside down: war is peace, medicine is poison, and a certain amount of illness is good because it gets you government benefits.

And this is only one section of a much larger systemic problem — the problem of fractional reserve lending Jewish bankers, and scam after scam fleecing the populace, all aimed at the same goal — to destabilize and destroy every country on Earth and put everybody who remains alive in a worldwide Jewish financial prison, which will of necessity eliminate all free thought as a reckless and unpredictable expense.

And now Obamacare shackles you into a system of biotech food and boobytrapped medicines utterly detrimental to your actual health, and you have to pay for it or they'll put you in jail.

Affiirmative action has destroyed the country, and destabilized every country on Earth.

Jews cultivate compassion for the underdog while having none themselvesthe underdog he champions is only a prop in his play for advantage in swindling you out of whatever is on his mind to steal from you.

The emphasis on seeing to the needs of the handicapped has, in fact, handicapped our country right out of existence, another victory for the Jewish destabilization template and the inversion of values that is wrecking the world.

Let's get something straight right now. White Americans don't emigrate to other countries to emulate the way people live there. No, it's the reverse: People from other countries come to America to emulate us. America was, up until very recently, the land of freedom and liberty.

And yet now, on television and in the movies, the new heroes are all blacks, instructing obnoxiously ignorant white people on the finer points of sucking up to the man.

It's the inversion of values again, making a virtue out of ignorance, and victimhood a badge of honor — just like they did with the so-called Holocaust.

The voters who will shortly re-elect Barack Obama as president are almost exclusively recent immigrants on the government dole. What recent immigrant WOULDN'T vote for the free ride they've been getting? Obama urges everyone to pitch in and help these poor people who are fleeing terror in their homelands (delivered by the U.S., BTW) by providing them with all these fabulous benefits here at home. Then he recommends not asking people for their papers.

Could there be any clearer manifestation of the Jewish destabilization template than this headlong push to register to vote as many recent immigrants as possible, to further dilute the voting pool and guarantee the re-election of someone who wants every American regulated if not strip searched?

This is exactly what they did prior to World War I — inflated the voting rolls with tens of thousands of recent Jewish immigrants fleeing confabulated 'terror' in Russia, got Wilson elected, passed the Federal Reserve and the income tax, and started dropping bombs on Germany — and sent some of that guaranteed income tax money to Russia which enabled Lenin to rob the czar.

(Schiff made $400 million on a $40 million investment, but then, the czar was the richest man in the world. Can you say Larry Silverstein?)

This gathering of information by the government about every person is promoted for the reason of increasing security, they say. That's why they're watching us on the highways, frisking us at the train stations and manually raping us at the airports. And they haven't caught one terrorist except the ones designated for capture after training by the CIA, to cause all that hoopla we see in TV about another thwarted terror threat.

And now Israel citizens have been exempted form TSA patdowns at airports.

Perfect hypocrisy. Another successful program of the Jewish destabilization template, and the inversion of values that is its principal philosophy.

The echoes of applause chief Israeli henchman Benjamin Netanyahu received in the U.S. Congress linger demonically in the shellshocked silence of the American mind.

Who has made all this misery for us, and called it progress?

The Jews have made us all sick and called it health. As a result, your very last cough is not that far off.

The ultimate solution, though it now seems farfetched, is to deprive the Jews of their liberty before they deprive us of our lives.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail:

250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.