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Obama to free Jonathan Pollard

Wake Up from Your Slumber

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June 12, 2012

When it comes to groveling before Jews, each US President is worse than the previous President -- and Obama is continuing the time-honored tradition.

Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 after passing more than a million highly classified documents to Israel while working as an intelligence analyst for the US Navy. 

Since July 2011, communications have increasingly passed between Pollard’s legal team, and pardon attorney Ronald Rogers of the US government. All indications are that Obama is planning to release Pollard by June 12, when Obama will host a very special dinner for Israeli mass-murderer Shimon Peres, who landed in Washington on 9 June 2012. Peres was Isrsael's prime minister when Pollard was caught, and has long demanded that Pollard be freed. During his special dinner, Obama will give Peres the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, and will likely present Pollard as a special gift.  Pollard will then accompany Peres to a hero’s welcome in Israel (traveling at U.S. expense). The corporate media will probably not announce this until Pollard is safe in Israel. Obama will win Jewish favor, and be re-installed in the White House in November. Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger brashly stated that releasing Pollard would be good for Obama’s reelection campaign.

This horrendous deal has been arranged for some time. Back on 27 March 2012 at the annual AIPAC convention, Obama told his Jewish masters that he would give Peres the Presidential Medal of Freedom in June. Ynet reported that at the convention, Peres discussed Pollard's release with Obama. 15,000 Jews then signed a petition telling Peres to exploit the medal ceremony and get Pollard released. Peres promised the Israeli masses that he would "do everything possible" to free Pollard. Posters were hung near the President’s Residence before Peres left bearing the message “President Peres: Save Pollard’s life.” Former US secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George Shultz have long demanded Pollard's release, and will attend the dinner for Peres. Former New York City Mayor David Dinkins is rooting for Pollard’s release. So is former CIA director James Woolsey.

Letters to the White House praising Pollard as a hero, and demanding his release, continue to flood in from Jewish members of Congress such as Robert Wexler, Barney Frank, and Gary Ackerman.

Moshe Kahalon, Israel’s Minister of Communications, gushed to Obama "I have no doubt that your decision to release Jonathan Pollard now as a humanitarian expression of justice and compassion will bring great relief to many, and will remove this impediment to the friendship between our nations.”

Most public figures demanding that Pollard be released grudgingly admit that he committed heinous acts against the US, but they also say that Pollard committed no crime, because, after all, this is Israel, which is infallible.  (All Jews are saints. If you question this, then you are an anti-Semite who needs to remember the holo-hoax.) Jews are rarely held accountable for any crime they commit anywhere in the world, including inside the USA. Even so, Pollard’s imprisonment placed a slight damper on Israel’s crime sprees, and Pollard’s release will free the Jews to resume their wanton theft and murder campaigns.

When Obama was installed, he immediately dropped all charges against AIPAC spies Steve J. Rosen and Keith Weissman. (The two Jews had stolen national defense secrets that Israel could use to maneuver the USA into a war with Iran.) Afterward, Obama was applauded for this at the annual AIPAC bash. Since then, Obama has obeyed every Jewish order except regarding Pollard – a sin that Obama will soon rectify.

Israel has always committed severe crimes against the USA, and there was a time when the US government at least pretended to investigate these while conducting a whitewash. An example was the case of MILCO smuggling nuclear triggers out of California to Israel.

Now that the USA is a full-blown police state, Washington does not bother to pretend. In the summer of 2010 when Israeli front company Telogy was caught illegally shipping nuclear weapons components out of California to Israel, Obama leaked tidbits of the export violations to the corporate press, so Telogy would have advance warning, and cease its operations before its treasonous criminals could be caught.  

On 19 Oct 2009 the FBI arrested Jewish spy Robert Nozette for committing espionage for Israel. (Israeli Aerospace Industries paid Nozette $225,000 to collect secrets from various US government agencies where Nozette worked.)  Nozette was sentenced to thirteen years, although it is doubtful he will serve more than two.

The US government basically issues the highest possible security clearances to Jews on the day they are born, and Nozette was no exception.  He worked on sensitive United States nuclear and satellite programs, and held a Q clearance, plus a top secret clearance. The Obama Justice Department could have used Nozette to penetrate Israeli Aerospace Industries spying activities in the United States, but Jews are sacred. Even though Nozette confessed to US secrets to Israel, US Attorney Ron Machen issued public statements saying Nozette had done nothing wrong. After all, this was Israel.

There was a time when scandals and espionage outraged Americans -- but now that America is a police state, mass corruption is not only tolerated; it is expected. Thus, the corporate media will praise Obama for releasing Pollard.

And the American masses will weep for joy. Anyone who questions this travesty will be condemned as an "anti-Semite."



UNRELATED: On 7 June 2012 one of Germany’s leading newspapers, the Frankfurt German Times [Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,] affirmed that Western-backed terrorists committed the Houla massacre, and that the victims were almost exclusively from families belonging to  Alawi and Shia minorities. [Over 90% of Houla’s population are Sunnis.]

The German report matches the Syrian government’s report, and cites anonymous opponents of Assad who admitted their involvement in the massacre.

The report continues: “Immediately following the massacre, the perpetrators filmed their victims and then presented them as Sunni victims in videos posted on the internet.”

Below is the source of the report (in German). The important part is in the third from the last paragraph.

In the 1980s, Western-backed Contras exterminated entire villages in Nicaragua and El Salvador.

In 2011, Western-backed terrorists exterminated entire villages in Libya.

Today, Western-backed terrorists exterminate entire villages in Syria.

It was the same during Algeria’s civil war, and the Vietnam War. It’s been the same all over the world since the end of WW II. The West arms and support terrorists who commit endless atrocities, and the corporate media blames the atrocities on the government that is targeted for regime change.

And no matter how many times this happens, the