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The Jewish Federations of North America's Washington office

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June 12, 2012

Our Washington office promotes the interests and concerns of The Jewish Federations of North America, the umbrella organization uniting 157 Jewish Federations and 400 independent communities, to members of Congress and the Administration. The Jewish Federations of North America's Washington office works to ensure that the voice of the Jewish federations is a prominent force in health and human service policy decisions. 

Our Public Policy Priorities 

Our Washington office advocates on issues of concern to the Jewish federations, including long-term care and prescription drug benefits for Jewish elderly, assistance to Jewish families at risk and strengthening the capacity of the not-for-profit sector.  Following are just some example of how The Jewish Federations of North America's Washington office promotes the interests of the Jewish Federation movement in Washington, D.C. 

View our public policy priorities

Letter to Congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction

In October 2011, JFNA sent this letter to the Congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (The "Super-Committee") in order to present the Jewish community's feedback and concerns to the committee.


Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities

Faced with the prospects of increased service demands and associated costs with the expected doubling of the older adult population over the next 20 years, Jewish Federations of North America launched in 2000 its National NORCS Aging In Place Initiative to test the efficacy and adaptability of the NORC-SSP paradigm. The Initiative, funded through federal demonstration grants and a host of local matching sources, involves more than 40 projects in 25 states that are projected to serve upwards of 20,000 older adults during the demonstration periods.  To learn more about NORCs, please visit the NORC National Aging in Place Initiative website at

Advocacy in Washington

Every year The Jewish Federations of North America's Washington office brings hundreds of volunteer and professional leaders from across the country to Washington, D.C. Participants of The Jewish Federations of North America's Washington Missions Program come from far and near to tell their representatives about concerns facing their local communities.

Contact The Jewish Federations of North America's Washington Office at 202-785-5900 if you have any questions about our advocacy work or drop us a line to receive policy updates and action alerts. To read the biography of William Daroff, Vice President for Public Policy & Director of the Washington Office, click here.