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Brother Nathanael Kapner

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July 8, 2012

YET ANOTHER JEWISH-INSPIRED Congressional Resolution was passed by the House of Representatives on May 9, 2012.

The Bill, “H.R. 4133: United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012,” legally binds America to a “Jewish” state…with Jewry’s ink dripping its agenda from start to finish of the legislation.

Moreover, apparently it was due to Jewish intrigue that the Resolution was passed under a procedure called “suspension of the rules” typically reserved for non-controversial topics requiring little debate and allowing for a quick vote.

Middle East specialist, Dr Stephen Zunes, outlines a number of provisions that evince a strong Jewish imprint throughout the Bill:

It is to be US policy to be forever committed to the security of the State of Israel as a Jewish state.

This is the first time in history that Congress committed America to the racial and religious makeup of a foreign state.

Also, any peace settlement would be contingent on Christian and Muslim Palestinians recognizing Israel as a “Jewish” state relegating themselves to 2nd class citizens and forfeiting all Palestinian refugees the right of return to their stolen homes and lands.