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Dark Exposed + Luciferian Rabbi Abe Finkelstein NYC vs. Pastor James Wickstorm +BBC+ Adolf Hitler

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FW:  5/22/12

If you think this is a joke then go back to watching TV or you can read the many books that document the historical facts of Jewish Ritual Sacrifice. I love Israel and real Jews, but: "Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Revelation 3:9 (Bible - King James Version)

Here are some suggestions:

The Jew and Human Sacrifice - Hermann L. Strack

Ritual Murder 3 - Jewish Professor Outrages Jews With Book Claim

Ritual Murder 5 - Dr. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal 1844

Talmud Unmasked by Rev. I. B. Pranaitis 1892

Michael Laitman - Basic Concepts in Kabbalah

Videos you can find on the internet:

Talmudic Jews - The Children of Satan - -

The Enemy Within

Vicki on National TV

All this is just the Tip of the Iceburg.

In a recorded conversation in 2011

Peter Hans Kolvenbach (former General of the Jesuits)

said to an affilliate of the White Dragon Society:

"I am the representative of Lucifer on planet Earth!"

well, if that is true then I am the representative of Robin Hood :)) LOL jk

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

quote - Plato

I assume he is familiar with the child sacrifice rituals

in the catacombs of the Vatican. I hope this sick shit will stop soon.

DAMN!!! "Scotty, beam me up!"

A Defector of the "Luciferian Covenant" aka "The Family" aka "The Order" explains in the following interview her initiation ceremony in the catacombs of the Vatican, where she witnessed a child sacrifice ritual. Here is the link (part 1 of 9):

"If you're looking for a saviour...

you need only look into a mirror. "

quote - Truth Journeyman

Here is a link to Truth Journeyman's YouTube channel:

or the website: "The GOD above god"