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April 19, 2012

“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.”

- Robert Faurisson

Today was the official "National Days of Remembrance" ceremony held at the United State Capitol Rotunda, commemorating the fake Jewish "Holocaust" during World War II.  Sit down and marvel at your tax dollars hard at work commemorating and perpetuating one of the central lies underpinning the Jew World Order: the Holohoax.

Repeat after me: the Jewish "Holocaust" is a complete and utter fraud.
Say it out loud. Tell your friends and neighbors. Don’t be afraid. Facts are facts, after all.

The official Holocaust narrative is a carefully crafted, constantly reinforced psychological operation pounded into the heads of the people of the world through education indoctrination, Hollywood and other forms of mass media in order to advance international Jewry’s agenda of world domination. Virtually all key aspects of the official Holocaust narrative are false: the gas chambers, the lampshades, the death camps, the Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews of Europe, the irrational hatred of Jewry, ect.

James Miller wrote a brilliant essay describing what actually happened during World War II, which I'd like to highlight here on this blog:

During World War II, Germany rounded up millions of civilians (both Jews and non-Jews) who could be potential saboteurs, belligerents, spies, messengers of the enemy, subversives, etc. Germany put them in camps whilst the war was going on. At the end of the war, Germany planned to move them elsewhere (assuming Germany had won WWII). With regard to the Jews, Hitler had considered moving them to Madagascar (yes, you read that correctly, Madagascar). With that said, and despite what Jewish dominated Hollywood has been peddling for the past several decades, there was never, I repeat never a plan to kill the Jews of Europe. Hitler's "Final Solution" was a plan to relocate Jews out of Europe - it was not a plan to "exterminate" them. This distinction cannot be emphasized enough.

As it turned out, the vast majority of such potential subversives were, in fact, Jews. Why? Because Jews were overwhelmingly leftist, Communist, Marxist, etc and thus many were naturally sympathetic to the USSR. For these reasons, Jews couldn't be trusted. Hence they were put in secured camps along with anyone, of any religion/creed/ethnicity/race/nationality, who may potentially engage in subversive activities. […]

Incidentally, the USA did the exact same thing with the Japanese and to a lesser extent German and Italian Americans. FDR put them in camps because they couldn't be trusted during the war (the U.S. was of course fighting against Japan, Germany, and Italy). Further, the practice of rounding up potential belligerents and holding them in camps is extremely common during war - you will find this to be true when studying the history of warfare: from the ancient Greeks, ancient Chinese - you name it - rounding up potential belligerents has always been a common practice during war, all throughout recorded history.

So what about all these Jews who allegedly died in and around the camps? Well, the majority who died did so in the final months of the war (perhaps 600,000 at most). In late 1944 and early 1945, the Allies were bombing Germany into the stone age. Roads, bridges, rail lines, etc were destroyed and hence Germany could no longer supply the various internment camps with food and medicine. The result? A lot of people died of disease and starvation both in the camps and all throughout Germany, including huge numbers of German civilians.

Regarding the gas chambers... yes, there were indeed gas chambers but they were used to disinfect the prisoners (and their clothes) as a measure to prevent typhus from spreading. Zyklon-B was the chemical used for this purpose; it was the standard disinfectant chemical used in Europe at that time. Jews have manipulated this in claiming the, "Nazis gassed 6 million Jews to death." Absolute nonsense. There is no evidence of this, none. What tourists are shown at Auschwitz is easily refuted. For example, the lone "gas chamber" at Auschwitz (shown to tourists) was built by the Soviets after the war for propaganda purposes; the Polish government has acknowledged this (Auschwitz is in Poland, not Germany).

Regarding the Eastern Front, it is indeed true that many Jews were killed there. After Germany invaded the USSR in June 1941, they encountered, in addition to the Soviet troops, tens of thousands of partisan fighters, mostly Jewish. In response to this, Germany created the Einsatzgruppen which was tasked with finding these partisans and capturing and/or killing them. Thus, these were not "innocent Jews" in the context of war, they were Soviet supporters (i.e., partisans) engaging in guerrilla warfare against the German troops.

There you have it folks, a rough summary of what actually happened to Jews in WWII. Makes a lot more sense than the nonsensical propaganda constantly pounded into our heads via Hollywood, the media (mainstream and, unfortunately, many alternative ‘Patriot’ media sites/commentators), our schools and colleges, teachers and professors, and all sorts of disingenuous Jewish charities, lobbying organizations, and public policy institutes.

How many Americans would be able to recite off the top of their head the fictional official Jewish narrative surrounding the "Holocaust” of 6 million Jews brutally killed by Nazi Germany in WWII? And how many Americans could tell you about the actual atrocities committed by the Allies during WWII? Or how many Americans died fighting the Revolutionary War, or the (misnamed) Civil War, or the Vietnam War, or any other war Americans have regrettably fought and died in on behalf of organized Jewry? Why is Jewish suffering and persecution, whether factual or alleged, elevated to such a high status? Why do we treat the official Holocaust narrative as a sacred religion?

Let me say loud and clear here that I reject the primacy of Jewish suffering, both real and especially contrived suffering. I reject their false narrative of WWII, the events of 9/11, and most other aspects of history. I reject their Jew World Order and will never submit to their lies and gross distortions of history.

There have been and continue to be numerous real, factual holocausts, as opposed to the fake Jewish one our traitorous government and media endlessly invoke: the Jewish-Bolshevik murder spree following the Communist revolution in Russia, the Ukranian Holodomorthe Dresden fire bombings, the nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the annihilation and destruction of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and many other countries around the world.

The very same criminals who would have you believe 6 million of their brethren were murdered in death camps by Nazis during WWII are the ones who carried out and continue to carry out the very real holocausts mentioned above.

The Jews have historically projected their own crimes onto their enemies, and continue to do so. They say up is down, right is left, and black is white; if you don’t believe us, you’re a crazed, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.  So be it.  Facts are facts, and I for one will no longer stand for the Big Jewish Lies of history, especially the Holohoax.