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AFP PODCAST - Holocaust Hoax Exposed!

American Free Press

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March 24, 2012

AFP PODCAST interviews Victor Thorn, author of over 30 books and chapbooks, best known for his groundbreaking political conspiracy research, has set his sights on the biggest conspiracy of them all, The Holocaust, with his new book, The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie. Thorn rips apart, in lay language, the veil-thin arguments used to prove the Jewish “Holocaust,” which is then used by global Zionists to justify the creation and continued existence of the state of Israel and as a tool to silence all critics; “Never again” is their rallying cry. From eye-opening facts that not one autopsy exists that shows the use of Zyklon B on work camp inmates to zero photographic evidence of this supposed enormous event to the ludicrous and licentious tales woven by the “Holocaust” historians, Thorn’s latest masterpiece should be required reading for anyone interested in understanding the underpinnings of the Jewish power elite.