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The Jewish Takeover Of Canada

Brother Nathanael Kapner

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March 16,2012

IT ALL BEGAN with Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who ruled as Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1984.

The year “1984″ which saw the summation of Trudeau’s policies—namely the Jewification of Canada—is an apt metaphor for the police-state grip that Jewry now wields on the once sovereign and Christian nation of Canada, currently a vassal of the global Zionist beast.

Although some argue that Trudeau showed himself as an anti-Semite and pro-Palestinian, in reality, he bowed to Zionist pressure both from American and Canadian Jewry.

 With the rise of the Jewish Lobby in Canada after Israel’s Six Day War, it was the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Zionist Organization, and B’nai B’rith, that established the Canada-Israel Committee (CIC) to act on behalf of Jewish interests in all of Canada’s domestic and foreign affairs.