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Archbishop of Sebastia condemns campaign of falsification/deception lead by Zionist organizations claiming to be Christian

From Alex James

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Feb. 15, 2012

American Zionist organizations which claim to be Christian, have nothing to do with Christianity, but are only trying to exploit the Christian religion for political ends in the service of the [Zionist] occupation.



End Israeli War Crimes! Exposing the ugly face of Zionism!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hanna condemns Zionist falsification of the history of Christian holy places


Atallah Hanna

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Atallah Hanna,  the Archbishop of Sebastia, condemned the campaign of falsification and deception lead by Zionist organizations that claim to be Christian with the help of the Israeli ministry of tourism.


He called on church leaders in the Holy Land and all over the world to take this matter seriously, reveal the facts and condemn the falsification and the exploitation of religion to serve the occupation's racist policies.


“There are Zionist organisations, supported by Zionists which seek to falsify historic facts pertaining to the holy places, especially in Bethlehem and Jerusalem," he said pointing out that those organisations are disseminating copies of a film that contains false information which contradicts history and Christian heritage and tries to promote places to visit by the tourists at the expense of authentic historic places associated with the Christian faith. This, he said, strips the Palestinian people of their holy places, both Muslim and Christian.


He stressed that the matter is serious and should not be accepted as the occupation ministry of tourism gives out this film to tourists and pilgrims in a bid to deceive and influence their views.


Hanna further explained that these American Zionist organizations which claim to be Christian, have nothing to do with Christianity, but are only trying to exploit the Christian religion for political ends in the service of the occupation.


Posted by End Israeli War Crimes at 2:01 PM

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gilad Atzmon: Tribalism, Racism and Projection – part 1


1st part of two – In this paper and the one to follow, I expose the misleading aspect that is, unfortunately, inherent to some ‘anti’ racist ideologies. I will elaborate on the role of anti racism in maintaining both Zionism and the Left discourse.


“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ― Anaïs Nin 


It doesn’t take a genius to see that people who are identified as Zionist and Jews are, somehow, over represented in many blunders in today’s world affairs. The pro-war, Neocon think-tanks were overwhelmingly saturated with Zionist Jews, and the ‘moral interventionist’ advocates within the media are also largely Zionist Jews. The ‘brains’ behind the so-called Bush doctrine i.e. The ‘War Against Terror’, were Paul Wolfowitz and Scooter Libby, and if that were not enough, at the heart of the financial turmoil we also find Jewish persons, and financial institutions that are clearly recognizable as Jewish – such as the Lehman Brother, Goldman Sachs, Alan Greenspan, Bernie Madoff, and many others.


Here one must ask an obvious question – why should any Jew anywhere in the world be concerned in any way with these facts? Why should any Jewish person be concerned with actions or ideas that he or she probably has nothing to do with? Why should my Jewish neighbour, also subject to the financial turmoil and with no connection whatsoever with Madoff, Wolfowitz, David Aaronovitch or Lord ‘cash point’ Levy, be at all concerned  with current financial or imperial blunders for which he has no responsibility? Why should my Jewish musician friends who have no ties to Israel, AIPAC, CFI, CST, Nick Cohen or Alan Greenspan feel guilty for crimes or actions taken by others just because they also happen to be Jewish? Would a Frenchman or an Irishman in America feel threatened or potentially discriminated against because of revelations that a few of their expatriates had been involved in a major colossal scandal?


So, the question I raise here is a simple one: why should any Jew feel guilty for crimes that are committed by other people – people he or she does not know and is not affiliated with? And the answer is equally simple – Jewish individuals have no reason to assume responsibility for actions committed by other Jews. But the truth of the matter is, that many Jews are extremely concerned about the current blunders: some feel guilty, and many – potentially at least – feel threatened. I would say that such a reaction merits our attention.


Amongst my other sins, I regularly monitor the Jewish media, and it is obvious to me that Jewish institutions are put on alert by any scandal that is even mildly associated with Jewish protagonists or institutions. Jewish media outlets give the impression that every blunder associated with a Jew is highly likely to turn itself into a wave of vile anti-semitism.


We are left to wonder then whether the Jewish fear of anti-Semitism is actually justified, or whether it is simply driven by a ‘fantasy of destruction’.


In my latest book The Wandering Who I contend that Jewish fear of anti-Semitism is largely self-inflicted and has very little to do with the surrounding reality. Jews tend to regard themselves as a tribe and most Jews are subjected to a degree of cultural and racially driven indoctrination. On the one hand, the religion of Judaism teaches its followers that  “all of Israel are responsible for one another” (1) (Kol Yisrael areivin zeh l’zeh); while on the other hand, the non religious, secular, emancipated Jews who identify politically, ideologically and socially as Jews they also operate within Jewish ethno-centric settings. Even within the Palestinian solidarity movement we find Jews who operate within ‘Jews only’ cells such as JBIG (Jews for Boycott Of Israeli Goods) and IJAN (International Jewish Antizionist Network). Somehow, they also feel primarily ‘responsible for one another.’


This reading of contemporary Jewish communities may reveal why many Jews are alarmed by crimes committed by other Jews – Jews whom they don’t even know.

I can think of three reasons for such a situation:

  1. Projection: Because some Jews regard themselves as a racially exclusive tribe, they tend to believe that others - non Jews - will also regard them as such. In other words, many Jews project their own ethno-centric symptoms onto the Goyim i.e. They think the Goyim are as racially driven as they are.
  2. Guilt: Because some Jews tend to regard themselves as a racially exclusive tribe, they feel guilty for not stopping those members of the tribe who are involved in some major blunders.
  3. Conjunction –- both 1 and 2.

It is increasingly clear then, that at the heart of the Jewish fear of anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish bigotry we find Jewish racial orientation, manifesting itself in various forms of projection and guilt. Though it is clear that Jews do not actually form a race, there is little doubt that Jewishness - and especially Jewish secular discourse - is racially, or at least tribally driven.  Not many people are aware of the racial tension between different Jewish communities such as Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews. In Israel the blood donation of Black citizens with Ethiopian background is disposed of for ‘medical reasons.  Israel legal system is saturated with discriminatory racist and supremacist laws against the Arab and non-Jewish population.


To a certain extent then, the fear of anti-Semitism inherent to the Zionist and Jewish secular political discourse is fuelled by the belief that the ‘other,’ i.e. the Goy, may well be equally driven by a similar racist ideology.


Some Jews, it must be said, might offer reasons to reject the above explanation: they might argue that Jewish history (i.e. that endless chain of Shoas), proves that ‘the sons of Israel’ would be justified in being on a constant state of alert. Jews, they might say, should be constantly aware that their neighbours might turn against them at any given moment.


I suggest that we are dealing here with a ‘chicken and egg’ situation: while some Jews would agree among themselves that anti-Semitism is largely an ‘irrational disease’,  a few historians such as Bernard Lazare were brave and honest enough to ask why and how exactly, Jews have managed to bring so much pain on themselves.



Gilad Atzmon’s New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics  or

Posted by End Israeli War Crimes at 12:11 PM 0 comments

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Inadequate fuel forces Gaza power station to shut down


GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian authority of energy and natural resources said its power station, the vital source of electricity in the Gaza Strip, stopped operating after its fuel supplies ran out.


The Gaza power station's management, which was generating 35 percent of the population's electrical needs, had already warned that Gaza would plunge into darkness soon if fuel shipments were not allowed in.


Spokesman for the power authority Ahmed Abul-Omarain said on Tuesday that this crisis would result in a real humanitarian catastrophe, especially with regard to the medical services provided in hospitals.


He held Israel fully responsible for this power crisis and appealed to Egypt and its parliament to urgently supply Gaza with the fuel need to operate the power station.

Posted by End Israeli War Crimes at 12:02 PM 0 comments

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Advertisement Banner of Housing Bank Ruins Dreams of Children in Refugee Camps


In the West Bank's streets, there are many advertisement banners, but none of them reflect real life in the cities of the West Bank. One of the advertisement banners that was put at the entrance of al-Azeh refugee camp in Bethlehem for example shows two girls sitting in the cinema and eating popcorn, though the reality is that in Palestinian governorates and in Bethlehem in particular, there aren't any cinemas.


The difference here is clear between the reality and the image that this advertisement wants to send to the audience. "Usually, the advertisement content doesn't go with the social reality" said Mr. Nash'at al-Aqtash, expert of commercials and a lecturer at Birzeit University.


"We {People} don't often see an advertisement that expresses the current situation, as it always carries out an imagined reality so that they can start dreaming" said al-Aqtash.



The dreams of the Refugee Camp children


An activist of the Popular Committee of al-Azeh Camp, Mazen al-Azeh, commented on this advertisement, "this advertisement is an offensive one for the Palestinians' reality, as they are living in difficult conditions, especially because this advertisement is placed at the entrance of the poorest place in Bethlehem which is the refugee camp."


He also said "I confirm that around 99% of refugee children haven't seen a cinema in their lives, and they dream of the moment when they enter one and watch a movie. This banner hurts children's feelings when they have just a small space to play, and who are derived of their simplest rights to access the same entertainment tools that children worldwide have."


The Housing Bank's banner is not the only one that doesn't reflect the reality or visualizes the world as being one of dreams and fantasies: several commercials do that.


The question is: is it fair to delude the refugee camp's children of a world that they are banned from living in, just for marketing purposes?


Posted by End Israeli War Crimes at 11:58 AM 0 comments 


Israel destroys 12 Palestinians homes and facilities


On Monday February 13, Israeli Military forces accompanied by bulldozers and demolition machinery demolished 7 Palestinian houses and 5 animal shelters near the town of Zaheria, south of Hebron in the West Bank.


Palestinian witnesses told the Quds Press' reporter in Hebron, that the Occupation forces had demolished 7 houses inhabited by about 100 Palestinian citizens in an area south the town of Zaheria, under the pretext that the dwellings were un-licensed, and due to their proximity to the settlement of "Tina" which is located on the town’s territory.


The witnesses added that, in addition to Palestinian homes consisting of barracks, the Occupation's bulldozers demolished another five facilities that are used for livestock.

Posted by End Israeli War Crimes at 11:47 AM 0 comments

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