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UK Charity With Mossad Links Secretly Denounced Anti-Zionist Jews To Government

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon

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Dec. 26, 2011

The following is Asa Winstanley’s  outstanding and comprehensive expose of the Ultra Zionist Community Security Trust (CST).  Winstanley explores the different and often secret smear tactics used by the rabid militant Zionist organisation. As it seems the CST disseminates false information-it produces ‘evidence’ of Holocaust denial and anti Semitism, it vilifies and harasses some Jewish  anti Zionists such as Naomi Wimdorne Idrissi, Tony Greenstein, IJAN,  Torah Jews  and others most notably Sheik Raed Salah.
Yet, astonishingly enough. Wimborne Idrissi, IJAN, Tony Greenstein and some other Jewish anti Zionists use the exact defamatory tactics against some devoted solidarity activists and thinkers. Like the CST, Greenstein, Idrissi and IJAN also disseminate lies, they falsify documents, they engage in constant harassment of solidarity campaigners whom they don’t agree with.