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Brother Nathanael Kapner

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Dec. 19, 2011

THE COMING MILITARY DICTATORSHIP of the USA will be firmly in the hands of American Jewry.

Sadly, a few popular Internet publicists — the controlled opposition — such as Alex Jones, his new adjunct, Mike Adams of Natural News, and The Activist Post (run from CIA-operated Costa Rica), simply cannot report that a “JEW,” Senator Carl Levin, is the SOLE-SPONSOR of the National Defense Authorization Act, of which Section 1031 authorizes the US military to imprison US citizens for life without any recourse to legal defense.

Do Americans realize (or even care in their state of oblivion) that all of the influential Senate and House Committee seats are chaired by Jews who sponsor outrageous Bills such as the NDAA?

First of all, heading the Military/Security apparatus of the Zionist States of America, are Senator Joseph Lieberman, a Talmudic Jew, who chairs Homeland Security, while his co-religionist, Senator Carl Levin, heads the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Is it any wonder then that we are now in a Jewish police state? Is it any wonder then that with America’s security apparatus solidly in the hands of JEWS that our freedoms have all but vanished?