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Hizbullah busts Zionists’ ‘Pizza Hut spy ring’

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Nov. 23, 2011


Hizbullah has announced the capture of over a dozen spies working for CIA and Mossad. The CIA-Mossad spies and their local informant were using a Beirut Pizza Hut restaurant as their meeting place cover-up.

Several dozen CIA-Mossad agents have been captured in both Lebanon and Iran since the begining of this year. The Zionist-controlled mainstream media is whining that these so-called ‘spies’ will most probably put to death. It’s interesting to note that these whining thugs don’t mention the fate of Ali Reza Asgari, Iran’s former defense minister and retired Iran’s Revolutionary Guard General. He was kidnapped by Israeli Mossad while on visit to Turkey in 2007 and later murdered by Mossad agents in Ayalon Prison. Contrary to that Iran released on humanitarian basis three American Jews (Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal and Sarah Shourd), who were captured and sentenced for spying for Israel.

In June, Hizbullah had busted three of its own members working for CIA and Mossad. This proves once again the superiority of its counter-intelligence against American, Israeli and other European espionage networks. This has come another blow to the Zionist entity. Robert Fisk wrote in British daily Independent on January 21, 2010: “Israeli government have been announcing that the only “army” of Lebanon is the Hizbollah. The Hizbollah claimed that the 2006 war with Israel was a “divine victory” – it didn’t feel that way to us in southern Lebanon at the time – yet even Israel admits it was a near-defeat for its own ill-trained soldiers“.

Last year, Hizbullah uncovered two Israeli spy installations in the mountainous area near Beirut and the Bekaa Valley – one on Sannine mountain and another on Barouk Mountain. After that bust, Israeli English daily Ha’aretz (December 16, 2010) quoted retired Israel Occupation Force (IOF) Gen. Giora Eiland, former national security adviser to former prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert, saying on Army Radio: “Israel does not know how to beat Hezbollah”. Franklin Lamb PhD, agrees with Gen. Eiland’s views by saying a coward and corrupt Jewish Army cannot defeat the religiously-motivated and well disciplined Hizbullah fighters.

Since the Zionist entity doesn’t have embassies in most of Muslim Capitals – it uses the local US embassies for its espionage networks. The US embassies in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, Bangladesh, etc. have pro-Israel staffers.

Professor Robert Wright (Trenton University, Canada) in his book Our Man in Tehran – exposes Canadian Ambassador in Tehran Kenneth Taylor (1977-1980),  during 1979 Islamic Revolution as head of CIA operation in Iran.

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer claimed in August that Israeli Mossad has captured America.
