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Why Jews Fear Putin As Prime Minister

Brother Nathanael Kapner

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Nov. 25, 2011

THE JEWISH CONTROLLED American media paints Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as an evil demagogue.

Here is an example from Time Magazine’s A Tzar Is Born December 2007 article:

“No one is born with a stare like Vladimir Putin’s. His pale blue eyes are so devoid of emotion that the stare must have begun as someone who understood that power might be achieved by the suppression of ordinary needs, like blinking.

Putin is unmistakably Russian with chiseled facial features and those penetrating eyes. One senses that Putin pays constant obeisance to a determined inner discipline. He is a believer and often reads the Bible.”

The Jewish owned Wall Street Journal also recently published The Perils Of Putinism scorning Putin for preserving “order and stability” which the Jewish Media works against.

The Jewish ‘political scientist’ Arnold Beichman published an article under the same title on Hoover Digest comparing Putin to Ivan the Terrible Here.

But Vladimir Putin knows all about the Jews. That is why in a November 2007 speech to Russian Military Cadets he said: