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Nov. 22, 2011

For All...Our Western Christian Fundamentalists & Evangelicals and hopeful Born-agains,  must abandon their naivity about what and who are the Askhenazic Jews of the world and pay attention to what the Jews really believe!  They must become aware of the fact that the Babylonian Talmud of Judaism is the principle guideline for the economic, religious and political actions and responses that Talmudic Jews and their Zionist kinsmen adopt and use to their advantage.  

The First 5 Books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, are called the Torah, but these books are but a part of the 63 volumes of the printed Babylonian Talmud of Judaism but the Torah's contents do not act or nor are they considered instructive other than being historically supportive--when fitting.

It is imperative that the western Christian world begin to recognize and confront the actions of those Jews, those seen as current militant Neocons, or neo-conservatives whose Zionist goals and plans actively promote the use of Gentile money and blood to achieve the principle goal of their Talmud, which is the creation of a One-World political and economic structure under the aegis of Jews.  Today, the trends toward this goal are obvious, especially in politics but also in the merging of large Corporations, Banks, Insurance companies, Oil companies and other similarly designed companies wherein they have  secured dominion and control.

Their religious prayers, especially their "Kol Nidre", recited during Yom Kippur is a prayer that pre-excuses and provides the Jews who recite its terms, an "out"  by ignoring any obligations, oaths or other Legal terminology that they might adopt in the coming year  -- pre-absolving Jews, especially of the obligations incurred with a Gentile..These oaths can be ignored without religious condemnation.  Recognize too, that Babylonian Talmudic Judaism was not the precourser of Christianity -- Judaism was not the source of Christianity; in fact its precepts and doctrines are vehemently anti-Christian and the common term bandied about, "Judeo-Christianity" is a classic oxymoron.

What follows is a 12 minute review of some of the most damaging legalisms taken from their Talmud which relate to an association  with Gentiles and how the relationship between them is to be treated -- by the Rabbi's as well as being instructive to all Jews in their association with Gentiles.

The comments will be exceptionally bitter and appear so ludicrous to many that some will simply ignore them and adopt the illicit promotions by the Jews as to an assumed historic association with the tribes of Ancient Israel--a status for which they do not qualify.  Being admitted "Ashkenazic's", the Bible proves in Genesis 10:1-3 that their origins as Ashkenazic's prove that they are Japhetic in derivation (Ashkenaz was Japheth's grandson) thus, they are not from Noah's son, Shem..hence they cannot be "semetic"-- and the hoax of the chosen which they have adopted cannot be valid..Since most of them (90%) are Ashkenazic Khazars, an ancient tribe that settled in Central Russia from around 300 B.C. until driven west and south by the Russians and Huns around 1240 A.D....having adopted Babylonian Talmudic Judaism as their national religion beginning in 740 A.D.   

In watching this very revealing video, know that the contents are also easily found on the Internet in much more detail...some of it however, is so pornographic as to limit its presentation..

J. Richard Niemela

Col. USAF (Ret)