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Eustice Mullins -- greatest banking conspiracy investigator provides a history of the money power

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Nov. 22, 2011

Israel's plan to exterminate all Arab people --
"Israelis are always exterminationists".  --
"A billion Christians and a billion Muslims are now in a state of war with each other and the only victor iwll be the state of Israel."  -- Eustace Mullins

Overview of Rothschild history - interview with Eustace Mullins -- discusses his researches beginning with his contact with Ezra Pound -- with his short history of US economy and banking


Eustice Mullins -  "Nazi"  was a secret alliance between National Socialists and Zionists  -- thus "Nazi".
Rothschild created reformed Judaism -- the plan to buy Ia statre of Israel rather than waiting on God
Jewish community split down the middle.
German Jews were not interested in becoming Zionists.  Germany was the least anti-Jewish nation.  Hitler aligned himself with the Zionists -- but we cover it by calling them "industrialists"
The anti-Zionist Jews went to the concentration camps.