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Rocky Montana / November 12, 2011

"Do you know the true meaning of the word "zion"? ... It means: "purity of heart".  So the "road to zion" means that pathway and journey in experience to achieve purity of heart and perfection of soul.  Is this meaning offered by the "Zionists" of today?  I hardly think so.  Theirs this day is to unify and take control of the WORLD--the physical expression manifest.  There is NO ZION on earth--only the pathway!  So you must begin to consider the "beginnings". There is no actual "beginning" or "ending"--only the perception of such.  YOU have no beginning or ending--only the cyclic evolvement of soul in progression.        --Hatonn

So the word "zion" means: "purity of heart".  Several sources researched state that the word "Zion" was originally not a Hebrew word; that it probably came from another language, and that the etymology of the word is uncertain.  As the word appears in the Book of Psalms, spelled "Tzion", and knowing that the Hebrews, appropriated the Sumerian/Babylonian Book of Psalms along with the entire Sumerian/Babylonian history and culture upon the subjugation of ancient Babylon, it is reasonable to assume that the word "Zion" was originally a Sumerian word.

Zion (pure of heart) is NOT the reflection of "Zionism" or the Zionist Political Party!  The goal of the ZIONISM is and always has been the literal takeover and control of  the WORLD by whatever means necessary.  This is a scheme that was hatched well over 2,000 years ago by the Pharisees, leaders of the Judaist/Talmudic people, later renaming themselves "The Elders of Zion".

In their quest for world domination, the adversary of God and mankind uses any and all words (spiritual and otherwise) and turns them up-side-down, backwards, and inside-out, in order to deceive and confuse the people it intends to subjugate.  It takes over entire religions (first Judaism and now Christianity, and twists and rewrites the truth into lies in order to confuse, deceive and corrupt the masses.  Look around you; is not America a mostly corrupted nation?  The adversary brainwashes its followers through its clergy and mass media into believing the many lies and half-truths that is gives them, including the lie that Christianity is really Judeo-Christianity, an oxymoronic term with no basis in truth.  The Judaist/Talmudist religion, renamed the Jewish religion, was created for the purpose of destroying Christianity by watering down Christian ideals and neutralizing Christians.  Therefore, anyone who uses this term to describe a true religion is not projecting God but rather, ignorance at best, intended deceit at worst.  Next, the adversary seeks to destroy all truth, such as the intended destruction of the Sumerian texts in the museums and mosques in Iraq during the Iraq war.  It tries to hide the truth, such as the history of the Khazars and in the case of the Dead Sea Scrolls which were held in Jewish hands for decades.  It rewrites the truth of history, as is the case in school and college text books, the Old and New Testaments, etc.  The list of lies foisted onto the Christian religion have been many and varied and have been written, posted and sent around the world many times; the list grows with each passing day and is too massive to go into here.  The adversarial Khazarian / Jews (those who call themselves Jews and are not) hide behind these two corrupted religions and shout lies and innuendos, and racial slurs such as "anti-Semite" at all who stand in their way.  However, the Khazarians are not Semitic (Shem-itic - meaning from the tribe of Shem, Noah's first born son.  They were originally from the tribe of Japath, Noah's third born son, which first settled in the region around present-day Turkey.  The remaining 12 tribes were all from the tribe of Shem.  I don't know what is worst; the name-calling that is a lie or that the ones targeted are intimidated from this lie.

Far from being pure of heart this evil brood, the present world-wide Zionist political party and movement, made up of mostly Khazarian Jews (who are imposture Judaists/Talmudists/Jews) and their followers, headed by the infamous Rabbinical Pharisees or Elders of Zion (no, they never went away--they just went underground and their influence became more and more pervasive through subsequent generations over the centuries) has come to be known by most of the western world as EVIL, adversarial and detrimental to mankind; doing all things despicable to God's people via murder, lying, stealing, deceit, etc., in order to achieve their goals of world domination. 

Only the mind-controlled Americans appear to remain in their self-imposed ignorance and delusional, mind-controlled disbelief of the adversary's evil plans come upon them.  Despite the reams of information alerting them to their plight, they fail to use logic and reason to conclude the truth--that they have been lied to since birth.  They should read their own prophets, prophecies and history of the Pharisees and Khazars for confirmation of all that is stated here; it is all there.  Americans must wake up to the truth and come to understand the causes for their downfall over the past 100, plus, years and then get busy informing all within their sphere of influence, do all that they can to stop and reverse the adversary's plan, and demand the same of their elected officials.  Because if they don't, they could wake up one day under the yoke of total communism / Zionism just as did the Russian people after the Bolshevik Revolution.  As America goes, so goes the world and if the American people do not prevail, freedom and liberty of mankind will fall and may be lost for the next 1,000 years.

I believe Thomas Jefferson said it best:

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

--Thomas Jefferson, America's 3rd U.S. President (1743 - 1826)

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Sources:     CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 1, 1994, Volume 4, Number 10.

                    PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, March 1991, Volume 9, Number 9.