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Communism/Jews have taken America over! Look around its true

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Jews control World Economy :
Amazing Speech by a teacher that knows the truth, He probably was fired or taken out back and shot for saying this but its the truth.


He knows what he is talking about!

Obama,McCain arnt gonna save you! No one will but YOURSELF Traitor/Anti Christ Obama that the media cant get enough of. Where were they for Ron Paul? take a guess, ripping him the shreads when they even gave him air time. Obama has about as much knowledge to run America as my dog does. His "Change" is so So hollow that it crumbles as soon as you ask him what really will he change, not to mention he changes his mind about everything to keep his puppet masters happy Dont forget the "wouldn't want to punish them with a baby!" comment he made. Those words should never be together in the same sentence.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, the US government is taking away all your rights and freedoms and property. How far are you willing to let them go until you stop them? Did you realize governments around the world control the local news? Even Hitler made up stories for the newspaper. It's time to make a decision for yourself.
Excerpt from Michael Badnarik's constitution class.   Spread this video! repost it do what ever it takes wake up America~!

Jews Run The Media :
This is a list of Jewish celebrities I compiled, who matched the criteria of having one Jewish parent. The point of this video is not exactly to illicit anger or hate toward the jews, so please don't use any vulgarities in the comments. However, the objective of this video is to show just how much influence the Jews have in media circles. It is thought that they own around 97% of the media in this country. Also, as many as 43 of 48 executives in the entertainment industry are of Jewish origin. If you want to learn more watch Neal Gabler's, "How The Jews Created Hollywood", and Joel Stein's article in the LA Times, "Jews Totally Run Hollywood". I guess my question to you is do you think it is alright for 2% of America's population to hold so much clout in a business that is directly responsible for shaping our world view. Feel free to start a dialogue as long as you keep it civil, and please refrain from using logical fallacies I am after all well versed with them.

Jews Killed Millions part1
The Truth About Stalin :
The truth about the genocidal activities of Communist Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union following the Jewish Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Many tens of millions of mostly white Caucasian Christian people were murdered by Stalin and his regime, many of them deliberately starved to death. This is the REAL holocaust that you will not be taught about in schools and colleges. More of this to come shortly ...
Joseph Stalin Genocide (In Colour) :
The GENOCIDE of 65 million Russians :
Robert Wilton's works published in 1920 details the genetic backgrounds of all USSR & Bolshevik revolution leaders responsible for the genocide of up to 65 Million Russians.
Astonishingly these records like thousands of others show over 90% of the 556 listed Bolshevik genocide leaders were mitochondrial Jews (racially). Among the approximate 500 Jewish leaders were famous names such as Stalin (Djugashvili), Trotsky (Bronstein) and Lenin (Ulyanov). Even Karl Marx the founding father of Marxist communism was Jewish.
With Antisemitism made a capital punishment for Christians during the era of Bolshevism, it was notable that only around 2% of Russia's entire populous was of Semitic blood.
The Jewish people not only systematically murdered up to 65 Million Russian people as a premeditated act of genocide, their complete disregard for human life later lead 20 million more Russians to their deaths in WW2 with many Russian soldiers unarmed.

These historical records accord to the peer reviewed publications of the American Institute For Historical Review:

- 41 point peer reviewed IHR publication:

- 21 volumes of over 1000 peer reviewed articles:

For further insight read: "Last Days of the Romanovs by George Gustav Telberg"
Brief publication of Robert Wilton's works:

Please watch:
** This video was not uploaded for a glimpse into the past... but for a glimpse into the future!

The forgotten history of Russia will soon become the reality of America.

~ Americans - please see my channel!

The Hidden History of Jewish Bolshevism:
The Holocaust hoax :