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Not a single Jew died in a gas chamber [Holocaust revisionism] The Tighe2001 vs MSM4U2POM Show

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His view is that about 2-300 000 Jews may have perished in the Nazi working camps.

- But not one of them died in gas chambers, Richard Williamson argues.


"- Anti-Semitism can only be bad if it is against the truth. But if something is true, it cant be bad. I am not interested in the word anti-Semitism."


For a follow up, look at and at ("More info ....").


The Crucifixion of Bishop Williamson

" - As I observe the vilification of Bishop Williamson occurring in the Catholic blogosphere, I cant help but recall the gospel account of the crucifixion of Christ Himself. For with the exception of the Blessed Mother and St. John, the rest of His apostles had abandoned Him, quaking in their boots for fear of the Jews (John 19:38)."