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Chuck (Gun Grabber) Schumer: 'One of the most important things I do - guarding Israel'

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Note: Is it me or is America not that important in this speech? Listen to all the rhetoric about how Obama is going to free us from a dependence on foreign oil - now look at the actions of said leaders. Looks like war for Israel to me. Schumer - to me at least - seems like a violent religious extremist - and he has been at the forefront of stripping Americans of their right to bear arms. I wonder why? This joker needs a new deck of cards - he has nothing to do with preserving the Bill of Rights does he?
Anyone trying to convince us that they have the power to take away our rights, as spelled out in the Bill of Rights - is my enemy. Schumer fits the description.
Oh yes, let us all figure out how to obey Israel's orders while we pretend we are not obeying Israel's orders.
The United States exists because men and women of courage defied a tyrant and created a new nation from occupied territories 235 years ago. Sadly, the present day government has shown itself unworthy of the nation they inherited. They have turned their back on the founding principles of this nation in their eagerness to please their foreign masters in Tel Aviv!
No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people.
A friend to Israel is no friend of America.
America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.