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The Final Word on Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment on Israel and the Assassination of JFK

Mark Dankof

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Mark Dankof

I told an international television audience on Press TV/Iran this past Friday  that Michael Collins Piper’s book, Final Judgment, on the Israeli Mossad links to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is absolutely compelling, not simply in terms of unraveling the truth about what happened to America’s 35th President, but seeing the bigger picture surrounding false flags, governmental and media corruption, and how a linear line of development may be clearly drawn from the USS Maine and Lusitania incidents, Pearl Harbor, and the Kennedy killing in Dallas in 1963, to the events a decade ago in New York City propagandized ad nauseam yesterday on the 10th anniversary of 9-11 by everyone from the American Legion to the National Football League.

And as noted some years ago, Israeli nuclear dissident Mordechai Vanunu agrees with Piper’s thesis, and has said so publicly.  Vanunu’s endorsement of the thesis may go a long way toward explaining his continued detention in Israel, perhaps more so than the revelations provided to the Sunday Times of London years ago about the Zionist State’s nuclear weaponry and operations at Dimona.

Three official endorsements of Final Judgment will suffice here as an indication of the quality of Michael Collins Piper’s research, his analysis, and the inexorable conclusions drawn from both.

Endorsement One (Dr. Herbert L. Calhoun, Ph. D., who retired as deputy division chief of the Policy, Plans, and Analysis Office of the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, and who formerly served as a senior foreign affairs specialist for the U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.  He was the American representative to the 1996 and 1998 United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms and Light Weapons.  Dated March 10, 2003):

“As one who has read over 200 books on the JFK assassination, and engaged in research both as an individual and as part of various teams, I can say without fear of contradiction that Piper’s book is now the definitive work on the JFK assassination.  Final Judgment is the most thorough, most honest, most penetrating, most factual, and most analytically complete and systematic of all that I have read so far.”

The view of the Grassy Knoll Gunman on November 22, 1963. Did the Mossad and a Renegade Element in the French OAS Provide the Rifle Team? Mark Dankof photo in Dallas, September 1st, 2010.

Endorsement Two:  (Colonel Donn De Grand Pre, who served as Deputy Chief of the International Division/Office of the Chief of Research and Development at the Pentagon.  In 1967, Grand Pre was named as Director for Ground Weapons Systems in the newly-created office of International Logistics Negotiations, responsible for negotiating sales contracts with heads of foreign nations for military weapons systems.  On September 30, 1979, The Washington Post Magazine wrote about Grand Pre, citing his expertise:  “If you had been a Middle Eastern ruler in the 1970s in search of American weapons systems, you would have called Donn de Grand Pre, Pentagon arms peddler.”):

“Piper’s Final Judgment is brilliant.  . . .  Several high-level military officers believed that the killing of JFK was in fact a coup d’etat carried out by elements of the CIA working with the Israeli Mossad.  Kennedy was attempting to halt the development of nuclear weapons by the Israelis, while simultaneously planning to disband the CIA and disengage our military troops from the Indo-China area.  Read Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper for more details. [Citing Final Judgment in Grand Pre's own book, Barbarians Inside the Gates]“

Endorsement Three (Mark Dankof, ex-Republican Party activist, year 2000 Constitution Party candidate for the U. S. Senate in Delaware, and investigative print and broadcast journalist):

“Having read all of the major Kennedy Assassination literature from Mark Lane’s Rush to Judgment and Josiah Thompson’s Six Seconds in Dallas to Anthony Summers’s Conspiracy, Jim Marrs’ Crossfire, and Gerald Posner’s Case Closed, I can say definitively that Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment is the Final Word on what happened to America’s 35th President…

“Piper’s magnum opus accomplishes many things at many levels.  First, he studiously avoids tiresome repristination of ancient arguments about ballistics and the lone gunman controversy already covered in dozens of works on the Kennedy tragedy.  Second, he demonstrates conclusively that David Ben Gurion and his agents in the American Jewish Lobby were in serious subterranean warfare with JFK over Dimona, the burgeoning Israeli militarization of their nuclear program, and the President’s insistence that the Zionist State submit to international inspection of both.  In this regard Mr. Piper acquaints the reader with the copious research on this long-suppressed subject undertaken by Stephen Green in Taking Sides, Andrew and Leslie Cockburn in Dangerous Liaison, and Seymour Hersh in The Samson Option.

“Perhaps most critically, Piper takes the outstanding research of Anthony Summers in Conspiracy on the elements of the CIA, organized crime, and the anti-Castro Cuban exile movement demonstrably involved in the events of November of 1963 in Dealey Plaza, and proceeds to show how all of these groups, individuals, activities, and associations were in fact, involved, but under the direction of Israeli intelligence; Meyer Lansky, Jewish organized crime chieftain with a direct line to Ben Gurion and Israeli intelligence; PERMINDEX; and James Jesus Angleton, the longtime director of counterintelligence for the CIA who simultaneously served as CIA liaison chief to the Mossad.  The incredible details of Final Judgment even include the Israeli Haganah gun running links of Oswald assassin Jack Ruby and Frank Sturgis, anti-Castro CIA operative with links to Watergate in the 1970, and the role of Jewish mobster Mickey Cohen in introducing Jack Kennedy to Marilyn Monroe–at the direction of Meyer Lansky and Menachem Begin.  . . .

“Final Judgment even indicates what is behind much of the disinformation on the assassination disseminated in film and books, including the ominous implications of Mossad agent and Israel arms merchant, Arnon Milchan, being the financial angel of Oliver Stone’s movie, JFK.

“After reading Final Judgment, no American will ever look at the American-Israeli relationship in the same way again, or fail to see the implications of the events in Dallas almost 50 years ago for the present tragedy of the Israeli-driven American military involvements in the Middle East; Israeli infiltration of the American media, Congress, and National Security State; or the insanity of the Zionist State’s attempts to involve the United States in an unjustifiable war with Iran.

“It begs yet another question:  What was Israel’s real involvement in 9-11?”

The clock is ticking.  Decent Americans, Iranians and all indigenous peoples of the Middle East and Central Asia, and people everywhere who oppose the New World Order must unite while we still can.

And action presupposes the assimilation of the correct information and the will to act upon it.  That process begins with acquiring and reading Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment.  That is my Final Word today.

Sept. 18, 2011