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RESPONSE TO: The [Zionists or false] Jews Behind NATO’s Rape Of Libya

Rocky Montana

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RM / 9-6-11

In the video below, please notice in Sen. Joe Lieberman's sound bite, the latest name change of the Zionist Political Party.  They are now calling themselves "The International Community", always changing their name in order to run from the spotlight of Truth in an attempt to deceive as many people as possible.  The major Zionist organizations now being put to great use are the Jewish lobby-- AIPAC, The Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, The American-Zionist Military (now acting through NATO so that our False President, Obama, does not have to ask for permission from Congress to go to war), The American-Zionist Congress, B'nai B'rith International--the Global Voice or the Jewish Community, the Zionist Financial Complex led by Goldman Sachs, and the overseer of them all-- the Committee of 300 and the Rothschild Dynasty.  No matter how menacing the Zionist political party may appear, the world's population out-numbers them over 600 to 1.

No matter how scary or fanatical Mr. Kapner may appear to you physically, he is revealing truth from his own unique vantage point.  I differ from his opinion of the Jews, however, in one respect.  I believe that it is a mistake to lump all Jews in one camp as the enemy of mankind.  While it is true that most Jews have acquiesced to the Zionist political party lies and dogma we know that there are a small fraction of Jews who accepted the Jewish faith as their own with ancestors that go back to the Galileans of ancient Palestine, who came out of Sumar or Sumaria, and who are Godly people, having kept true to their original religion and who have resisted the accepting the Zionist party.  These call themselves Sephardic Jews.     

Truth IS where you find it.




The Jews Behind NATO’s Rape Of Libya


Brother Nathania el Kapner / Aug. 30, 2011



Sept. 6, 2011