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RESPONSE TO: 'Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed'

Rocky Montana

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Rocky Montana - Opinion / 9-12-11

This report, 'Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed' is a good example of how the influence of the U.S. media is conducted and how the U.S. government condones it.

My thanks Grant F. Smith and the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy for seeing through the wool to discover the wolves within by exposing this cover-up by the U.S. Senate and for seeing the Zionist-Israeli covert operation for what it truly is, an attempt to mind-control the American people and the U.S. government.

What appears to be missing in this report (the documents in this case on their website were not found) and remains to be reported on are those Senators who are specifically responsible for sealing the records of this investigation and those specific media outlets which ran the pro-Israeli propaganda. If Americans don't know those who are involved, how will we ever right this wrong?

The Zionist-Israeli government finds and uses greedy, major U.S. media outlets, like magazines and newspapers, to plant stories in order to promote Israeli foreign policy objectives in the United States.  This is nothing less than a covert attempt to mind-control the American people and U.S. government to 'go along with' whatever Israel wants to have happen in America.  I would say that it has worked very well over the years.  This massive Israeli manipulation of the American people is just one of many ways the Zionist-Israeli government uses part of the approximately $7 billion per year "subsidies" (U.S. taxpayer funds) received by the U.S. government.  Americans should be outraged by this never-ending funding!   It is way past this madness to stop!  Our bought-and-paid-for, pro-Israeli U.S. Senators covered up this behavior by sealing the documents on the Senate investigation conducted by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the U.S. Justice Department for fear of the embarrassment it would cause the Israeli government and for fear of losing campaign contributions from pro-Israeli Pacts.  Remember that this investigation was also funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars and then sealed from the eyes of American citizens, which makes the U.S. Senate complicit in this conspiracy with Israel.  Americans should be outraged by our corrupt politicians and U.S. media outlets!  May this be both a lesson for all government officials and media outlets and another wake-up call to the American people.  We-the-American-people must no longer tolerate government corruption and of phoney journalism.

Complete article below.


Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed


Aug. 19, 2011

Files declassified in America have revealed covert public relations and lobbying activities of Israel in the U.S. The National Archive made the documents public following a Senate investigation.  They suggest Israel has been trying to shape media coverage of issues it regards as important. You can download the files from the web-site of the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern policy.  And we can cross to Washington now and talk to Grant F. Smith who is a director at that Institute.



Rocky Montana

Setp. 12, 2011