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What's to be Done With the Jews?

John Kaminski

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Dear Qasim Y. Khan,
Hello Qasim. Long time no hear. Sorry we've had such trouble communicating over the years.

If we wish to ever have a chance for a peaceful planet, there is no alternative to the extirpation of Judaism from the human mind. This will have great ramifications for the other two monotheistic religions.

As to the matter of Jews, those who insist on clinging to the philosophy must be sequestered, separated from the non Jewish population, removed from society for their pathological proclivities and objectives. Those who can be detoxed may be allowed to return to society (each country must determine that status itself), but only under profound restrictions, much like the Ottoman Empire had in place, such as ineligibility for public office, teaching, media, medicine, the law, and other important occupations that exacerbate the criminality inherent in Judaism.

Jews may not be allowed to handle other people's money anymore, and certainly not their health care. In fact, one thing I've been saying for years (only half in jest) is that Jews should not be allowed to possess money at all, but would have to get it from a Muslim (once the world has adopted the Muslim banking system) monitor who would regularly review all Jewish financial transactions. (I'm not making that up for you; I HAVE been saying that for years.)

Before I drone on, the question of HOW looms large in any conversation like this.

Every country in the world (or at least most of the Western ones) could instantly balance their budgets by immediately arresting, convicting and executing all dual citizen Israelis, and confiscating their trillions of dollars of assets. Dual citizenship is treason under any circumstances, and in the case of dual citizen Israelis, not one pledges allegiance to the country that is not Israel. This is treason by definition, a capital offense in every country, and no trial is necessary, only a statement of fact, charges and sentence.

We're seeing now a world population intimidated into silence by financial blackmail. Imagine how eager everyone would be to remove that onus from their lives forever, which will happen, once everyone knows exactly what Jews have done, and are doing, to the world.

Hope you are well, Qasim, and safe.

Best wishes,

John Kaminski