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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 28 The FBI Almost Stopped 9/11

Jon Carlson

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The $64,000 Question for America is did FBI Director Hoover know that when the Dulles Brothers formed the CIA in 1947 they stacked the CIA deck with Nazi WWII intelligence agents among remnants of US Army WWII intelligence operatives? Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg proclaimed them TRAITORS so why wouldn't Hoover know?


Hoover was born in 1895 the same date alleged for Bush I father Prescott Bush who headed Hitler's Bank on Wall Street in the 1930's and 1940's until the Feds hit him with a Trading with the Enemy conviction and a million dollar fine. Of course that was the wrong charge as Prescott Bush was a German agent (spy) born in Gernamy.

The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 8

1900 Census Kills Fake Bush Genealogy

Nazi spies during WWII faced a military tribunal and execution or life sentences: