Massacre In Norway: Mossad Strikes Again Under ‘Lone Gunman’ Cover
Jonathan Azaziah
The second group can be classified as the “awakened.” The awakened wholeheartedly and emphatically reject what they hear and see on the fiction box, as it is owned and run by Zionists with an agenda firmly rooted in brainwashing, and when they hear of any ‘game-changing’ geopolitical event, they pin the blame on one of the aforementioned global intelligence agencies, with Israel’s Mossad sitting atop the mountain and America’s CIA, Britain’s MI-6 and India’s RAW providing support cohesively or individually depending upon the region. The evidence excavated by the ‘awakened’ shows deadly accuracy in their ‘pinning.’ The ‘Arabs’ or ‘Muslims’ reported by the Zionist media as the perpetrators of such attacks, if they actually exist that is, are always patsies. Not sometimes, but always.
However, on July 22nd, 2011, the sheep and the awakened were taken by severe surprise when tragedy and horror struck the European nation of Norway. A man named Anders Behring Breivik, described by media outlets as a “right-wing Christian fundamentalist,” bombed the Norwegian Prime Minister’s office in the capital of Oslo and went on a shooting spree on Utøya Island that left at least 94 people dead, mostly teenagers (2). Was this man really responsible for such brutality, such carnage? Was the Zionist media telling the truth for once? Or was there something more to all of it? Something more, much more indeed. The evidence will show, that this “right-wing Christian fundamentalist” was simply the face of another Mossad false flag operation conducted under ‘lone gunman’ cover.