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Here is why Mossad bombed Oslo: Norway wanted to support a Palestinian state, Divest out of Zionist stocks, pull out of Lybian invasion

Alex James

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From: Glutimas Maximus

Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 7:12 PM

To: AB

Subject: Norway wanted to support a Palestinian state, Divest out of Zionist

stocks, pull out of Lybian invasion,

Subject: motives for Oslo bombs

Yet another motive for Oslo bombs - Norway pension fund divested Israeli shares.

Oslo says EUR450bn oil fund has excluded two Israeli firms for ethical reasons.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Norway wanted to support a Palestinian state at the UN

Norway is pulling out of the Libya invasion.

Norway divested Israeli stock.

Strike three, and you're OUTTATHERE!!!!!!!


 Subject: Here is why the Mossad bombed Oslo today


Norway to recognise Palestine if peace talks fail



Posted on20 January 2011. Tags: Jonas Gahr Stoere

<> , Palestinian

Economy <> ,

Palestinian State

<> , Salam Fayyad

<>'s foreign

minister has announced that the country will be among the first to recognise a

Palestinian state if negotiations with Israel fail to make headway by September.

A nine-month deadline has been set by the Palestinians for proclaiming

independence, which would also coincide with the completion of Prime Minister

Salam Fayyad's two-year effort to set up the basic institutions of a state.

Speaking in Ramallah, Norwegian foreign minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said Oslo is

striving to help with the development of the Palestinian economy but still

believes that the political process towards peace could be a success.

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"We are working to develop the economy of Palestine to reach that goal," Stoere

told reporters.  "If, by August or September, there is no progress on the

political track, I think the climate will change," he added.

When asked if Norway would recognise a Palestinian state after that point,

Stoere said, "Norway will be among the first states [in Europe] who will

recognise a Palestinian state when there is an act as an international team" to

that end. Until then, he went on to say, Norway will continue to back

negotiations between the two warring nations while supporting Fayyad's plan.

Norway's foreign minister, who heads a committee in charge of raising

international aid for Palestine, also told reporters in Jordan last week that

Norway is committed to rallying donors to help build Palestinian institutions

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July 25, 2011