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Jewish Supremacy, Zionism & The Patriot Movement

Brother Nathania el Kapner

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As I see it, the so-called “patriot movement” (which is NOT “moving” at all) does not have a clue regarding the Judaic takeover of America.

Many in the patriot movement rail against the Federal Reserve Bank yet do not single out and name the names AND THE RACE of the “moneyed elite” (their oft-used appellation) that they constantly refer to.

Names like Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Stephen Friedman who served on the NY Fed while an officer at Goldman Sachs, Ben SHALOM Bernanke AND THE JEWISH INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS that these people serve are NEVER mentioned by “patriots.”

See My Vids: “Goldman Sachs Betrays America” @ & “The Oligarchs Of Globalization” @

Various patriot groups are actually Zionist sympathizers who are Pro-Israel being deluded by mass Judaic propaganda that Israel is a “democracy.”

People often ask me, “Why don’t you offer solutions to the Judaic problem in America?”

In fact, in the past, I have many times offered solutions.

BUT because of widespread apathy of the majority of Americans AND “ignorance” on the part of “patriots” of the Judaic threat, “solutions” will not take back our nation.

I have often written about and produced Videos on the TSA situation and the Jews behind the TSA and the Porno-Scanners:

1. Senator Joseph Lieberman (Talmudic Jew)

2. Michael Chertoff (Talmudic Jew)

3. George Soros (Investor/Secular Jew)

(For Starters See My Vid: “Zionist ‘Thugs’ Behind America’s Police State” @

The problem is that when at the TSA lines ALL THE GOYIM are herded like cattle into the Chertoff’s Porno-Scanners there isn’t a peep of protest.

The Goyim put their arms up in the air while the Jews behind the Scanners DISARM them and STRIP THEM NAKED and the Goyim passively go along with it all. (I am a frequent flyer and every time I am at the TSA line I am the ONLY ONE I see opting out.)

If *everyone* OPTED OUT and said “NO” this would BE THE BEGINNING OF A SOLUTION to the Judaic takeover of America.

But I do NOT see this happening.

The BEST that I can do is keep on bringing AWARENESS to the American people.

And though many are dropping out of the fray, guess what?

I, Brother Nathanael Kapner, will CONTINUE FIGHTING and NAMING THE NAMES!

+Brother Nathanael

Owner, Real Zionist News @