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Jews flee from Israel? 'Right papers' save from danger zone
Jews flee from Israel? 'Right papers' save from danger zone
Israel will eventually be nuked, or worse. But that's not why the Jews are leaving Israel. The reason that the Jews are leaving Israel is simple. Jews cannot exist in large numbers amongst themselves, because they are a parasitic race of people; meaning that if there are not enough healthy host to bleed, they perish. Younger Jews don't always understand this about themselves, or their race as a whole -- but as they get older, they do begin to see it more clearly as a genetic marker in their collective core behavior. A Jew cannot be any other way, and still be a Jew, anymore than a Lion could be what it is, with no teeth. If a Lion looses it's teeth, it will starve to death. If Jews don't have enough healthy Goyim Blood to drink, they will die as well.
One of the great ironies of the world, is the observable food chains -- seeing which animals prey on each other, and observing that most do have enough sense to instinctually avoid certain predators at all cost -- whereas the Goyim, being the mentally anesthetized cattle, that they are, don't have that same capacity that say a deer might have when it senses a mountain lion in the area. In fact the Goyim, will run to the Jew, thinking his highest measure of safety and refuge better acquired where the Jew resides -- "which the Jew is only to pleased to have them do, as it saves him from having to herd his stock into the slaughter yards". It has always been this way with the Goyim, since before recorded history, they are the sheep, and the Jews are the wolves; but unlike real sheep, the Goyim think that the Jew is their protector, whereas the real sheep know that they're in acute danger when the wolves comes around. ~ Rod Remelin
June 26, 2011