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Disgraced Helen Thomas to be honored at anti-AIPAC meet


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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming visit to Washington may not be the bed of roses he was expecting. In addition to his speech in front of the US congress and the vote of support he is set to receive from the Jewish lobby AIPAC, he will also likely to face a thornier welcome.

A number of US groups are organizing "Move Over AIPAC" – a meeting they say will expose "the extraordinary influence AIPAC has on US policy". Among those behind the initiative – journalist Helen Thomas.

 The "Move Over AIPAC" website is quite proud of 90 year-old Thomas' connection to the initiative. Thomas, has become notorious after stating in an interview that Jews should get out of Palestine and go back to Poland and Germany.

In an interview with Playboy magazine in March, Thomas said she didn't regret her statements and claimed that "Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There’s total control."She then added "You know damn well the power they have. It isn’t the 2%. It’s real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion. Of course they have power. You don’t deny that," and went on to ask the Playboy interviewer "You’re Jewish, aren’t you?" After he answered in the affirmative she noted "That’s what I thought".

Thomas retains that she is not Anti Semitic.

Helen Thomas Photo: AP

Thomas will speak at the anti-AIPAC meet as an honored guest. The meeting will be taking place May 21-24 in Washington DC, parallel to the AIPAC lobby's meeting.

A number of Left wing groups have joined together for the Move Over AIPAC meeting where their defined goal is for "concerned citizens from around the country to learn about the extraordinary influence AIPAC has on US policy and how to strengthen an alternative that respects the rights of all people in the region.",7340,L-4057775,00.html

April 17, 2011