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The Jewish Mentality Book I

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All learning is based upon curiosity and curiosity is the unfettered exploration of that which is interesting. The weird halo of immunity which surrounds the Jewish nation is a highly interesting sanction and no scholar must be faulted for defying it. To pretend that we must approach the Jewish studies with some special reverence and reserve, fearful of causing offense, is a totalitarian expectation.

It will undoubtedly be the first reaction of a mind-zapped populace to immediately regard the investigation of the negative factors within the religion of Judaism as a horrible one, "bound to lead to another 'Holocaust."

That the fanatical chauvinism of Jewish partisanship has been absorbed into the body politic of the masses of non-Jews to such an overwhelming extent is a high tribute to the power and effectiveness of Jewish propaganda.

But this writing is not an attack but a defense. Khazars attack Christianity every week in a newspaper column, magazine article, radio report, film, television show or book. Few people regard such attacks as a prelude to the further decay and eventual destruction of the Gentile people of the West. Such Jewish attacks on Christianity are regarded as the "normal criticism" any creed must endure at the hands of truth-seekers, scientists and dispassionate scholars.

Within this framework is the presumption of immunity for Judaism. According to the mindset promoted by the System's public schools and private universities and the Established "media" organs of mass communication, Judaism alone among the religions of the world is immune from scholarly criticism. First because it is perfect, being the creed of God's Master or "Chosen" Race and second because, even if it were as flawed to the degree that secular agnosticism asserts that every religion is flawed, it would still be wrong to expose it as such because to do so will lead to another "Holocaust."

If one looks beneath the sham appearances of this late 20th century, that is to say beyond the shuttered provincialism of Jew-worship, one glimpses the outlines of war. A relentless libel is directed at the Christian West, or what remains of it in the ruins, in the aftermath of a half-century of constant propaganda against it. It must be relentless to insure that no smoldering spark shall leap up to illuminate the perpetual dark night of the modern era.

The story of the crucifixion of an honest man at the behest of the Jewish religious and political leadership, whose heroic committment to the truth above all else, testified to his divine patrimony, has been for 2,000 years a permanent stumbling block to the ascendance of Jewish world supremacy. Therefore every attack upon the historical reality of this story and the person and morality of Jesus has been launched by the Khazars.

Where that has proved insufficient, the new state religion of "Holocaust" Newspeak (absent from dictionaries before 1978) has been established by all Western governments and by all hireling priests and preachers. By this means Auschwitz is made to replace Calvary as the axis mundi of Western history. Though the tale of the destruction of the Khazars during World War Two has been wildly and shamelessly exaggerated out of all proportion to what actually occurred in that time, there is no doubt that Jewish people were murdered in the hundreds of thousands and that this was a horrible crime.

But what is never factored into the equation as the indictment of the West is prepared on this basis, is the fact that Hitler and his National Socialist German Worker's Party rose to a fury of indignation against Jewish people directly as a result of what Jewish communists like Trotsky (actual name: Leon Bronstein) and Lenin and the thoroughly-Jewish Bolshevik communist party in Moscow had done to the Christian peasantry of Mother Russia, which the Germans regarded as every inch a "holocaust." (The Jewish extraction of Lenin's mother has long been known to many Russian historians and party bureaucrats with access to inside information. Cf. "Who was a Jew? Why, Lenin of Course!", Jerusalem Post International Edition, Jan. 26, 1991, and Dimitry Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography).

Both the Jewish historian Arno Mayer in his book Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? and the German professor of history Ernst Nolte have noted the essential link between what the Jewish communists did to Christians in Russia as the basis for retribution against Jewish people in German-occupied territories.

As Prof. Nolte points out, the Jewish communists in Russia founded their ideology on the demand for extermination on a huge scale. In September of 1918 Jewish communist Grigori Zinoviev advocated the extermination of ten million Russians. In 1919 Lenin called for the deaths of millions of Christian peasants --the kulaks.

"...for Hitler, Bolshevism was a genuinely terrible vision constantly before the eyes." (Ernst Nolte, "The Holocaust Must Be Seen in Context," The Independent, Nov. 5, 1988).

The horrors of Jewish Bolshevism is a vision almost never seen on our telescreens or newspaper pages. The media of mass communications have been dominated by Khazars and their sympathizers almost since its inception. (Cf. Neal Gabler, How the Jews Invented Hollywood and William Cash, "Kings of the Deal," The Spectator, Oct. 29, 1994).

The myth is that Jews were regarded suspiciously in Germany in the 1930s and eventually punished solely due to sheer Teutonic or Christian cruelty and irrational hatred. Policed entirely out of the agenda is the fact that while Nazism was rising in Germany in the 1930s, Jewish Communist commissars were adminstering death camps and gulags for millions of Christians trapped inside the borders of the Soviet empire, a fact never revealed in "Holocaust" studies or movies.

While Khazars cry the loudest whenever any group or force obstructs their ambitions--these cries being infinitely magnified by the unprecedented brainwashing abilities of the electronic visual media--it does not necessarily follow that Khazars are in fact the most persecuted or long-suffering of the peoples of the world.

The full, graphic acount of what the Jewish Communists did to Russia and Eastern Europe has yet to be told.

Another objection to this writing will be that it is, by definition "neo-Nazi" and "crypto-fascist" simply because it does actually dare to do what Jewish historians and writers do weekly to Christianity: criticize it.



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