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John Kaminski on Veterans Today and Gordon Duff

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p;of the New World Order in all these countries, but the real purpose of all this provoked chaos was to masque the takeover of Libya by the Jewish oil titans. Next to Mr.

Ahmadinejad, Gaddafi is just about the last Islamic leader really standing up to the Jewish monster, and his accomplishments FOR his people stands in marked contrast to almost every other so-called Muslim leader, most of whom are bought and paid for by the Jews.

Gaddafi is a champion of liberty and self-determination, a rare Islamic leader who didn't secretly work for the Jews — like Mubarak, Musharaff et al — and the JewSA, hiding behind the skirts of France and Britain this time, has long planned to erase him from the scene. Duff is supposed to be a military intelligence guy, so he would know all this, which proves conclusively that he is not one of us.
In these Gaddafi videos you find a truth that is mostly absent from all the spun debate taking place today.
Best wishes,

John K.

From: John Kountouris

Date: Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:28 AM

Subject: Gaddafi says JFK was assassinated by Israel


March 22, 2011