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Israel’s Hidden Faces : A Long Day’s Night for Us All

Dr Alan Sabrosky

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— Dr Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a 1986 graduate of the US Army War College.

This is not intended for those who follow these issues, but as a primer  for a general public (especially Americans) who do not follow them, and in fact are not even aware that they are issues!  Hoping that others may also find useful material in it.

Far too often, issues involving Israel and its actions are addressed in a sophisticated and complex manner, often with little or no linkage among them. This is fine for professionals who are well versed in the subject matter, and can infer detail and linkages where none is explicitly given or made.

But it is NOT so for a general public, most of whom are not even aware that these issues exist, and have been exposed to a steady diet of pro-Israel propaganda throughout most if not all of their lives.

This can be used in many ways, but I would focus on state and local officials, newspapers and radio and TV stations, and veterans groups. The classic “grass roots” approach is the only way to circumvent the virtual lock the Zionists have at the national level in the political realm and the media. So let us begin.