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America's Debt Crisis Government avoids shutdown; hard part still to come

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The best and the brightest (by their own admission) cut about one quarter of one percent from the deficit (not the debt) to kick the can 2 weeks down the road. For the most part they cut it out of services to the people who pay the bills.
Left untouched; the Department of "let's murder brown people around the world and steal their oil", the Department of "Let's pretend there is a terrorist threat to keep the slaves emotionally dependent on the government", and the Department of "Loot the people to prop up Wall Street and Israel."
I'm for all government being shut down -- right down to county levels. Government has become a cancer, a blight of biblical proportions that serves no one but its Jew leaders. The Jew is never satisfied with just stealing it all -- it must also be entertaining at the same time, there must be a certain sadistic end product to it that validates the process itself.  All current governments the world over, are Jew constructs, which serve only the goals and desires of organized Jewry, at the expense of the host. Why do you suppose there is so much inequity and contradictory regulations at the core of government? Simple, because it is ran by criminal genius Jews.    Jews are criminal geniuses, it's who they are, it's what they do, and can do no more different, than a lion hunting for its next meal. Even if the government of the United State were suddenly reset back to one based on the core precepts of the original United States Constitution, it would do no good whatsoever, if Jews were allowed to hold even one insignificant minor post within it. Until the Goyim can muster the will and testicular fortitude to deal with the Jew cancer, in a manner commensurate with the breadth and depth of this problem, they will forever be consigned to contrived, interminable mental apoplexy. . . courtesy of you-know-Joo.