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Mubarak the Jew

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Was Herr Hitler quite right?…  His Mein Kampf might have been a decent book, but not his Jew-scripted policy of supporting the Jewish 'project' in Palestine that actually led to the creation of IsraHell — and the Jewish 'National-Socialism'…
Will a mass murder in Tahrir Sq amount to a Jew victory?   A Pyrrhic victory perhaps?… A mass murder in Cairo’s Tahrir Sq appears to be in a state of preparation and may well be only a few hours away.

Will Mubarak murder tens of thousands of his compatriots, secure in the knowledge that the Jews will always cover up any mass murder perpetrated on their behalf?… i Vey!   Holokost, Shmolokost!

The Egyptian people are about to get some hard painful lessons, and wake up calls about betrayal, along with who's who, and who's Jew. Of all life's lessons, betrayal  ranks top most the hardest to face about humans in general -- Jew or otherwise.  Watch closely now, as Egyptian blood fills the streets in and around Tahrir Square -- "making what happened in Tiananmen Square look like a minor disagreement between close cousins". Along with this coming bloodbath with be the Jew with his unleavened bread, soaking up the spoils of their prized efforts, a feast to die for, as the Chosen gather around their delicious blood libel.

Feb. 2, 2011
