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Imagine a World Without Jews

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The Jews are parasites and have created elaborate myths so that they can feed on you without you noticing.  If you want freedom you must overcome all of these myths, end the trance within your mind.  This is a personal journey of self discovery, it takes a while and many will be unable to do so in their short lifetimes.

Top myths that bond you to Jewish despotism:

1. The Federal Reserve will eliminate economic depressions and smooth out the business cycle.  The Fed was created by Jewish bankers with the express intention of exploiting and gaining political control of industrial economy.  The Federal Reserve is injecting fiat currency into the market place when they buy government bonds, they very act of doing so causes wild speculation and bubbles.  As each artificial bubble bursts more fiat is injected producing and even larger bubble until a collapse occurs that they can not stop.  The Great Depression was caused by the Federal Reserve, it was the first big bubble that popped, an even worse depression is currently forming because the real estate bubble popped and deflation is gaining strength.  The Fed does not stop depressions, it causes them. At the end of the exploitation the Jews set up internal police forces so that wakening Americans can't resist, eventually though, the Jews will have to terminate America, but only after every last dime is stolen.

The Fed started inflating in 1913 causing the "Roaring Twenties" and 1930's depression:

2.  6,000,000 Jews died somewhere.  The Jews use the magic number of 6 million over and over to spellbind the public into believing that Jews are victims.  6,000,000 was used 23 times before World War 2, the Holocaust story was invented after WW2 so that the retribution and humiliation against Jews could be turned into a profit for them.  With the Holohoax the Jews could get the world to focus on their victimhood status and they could extort billions.   There is no truth with the Jews, they don't care what actually happened, the Jews spin defeats into propaganda victories.

Headline dated July 19, 1921 one of many examples of Jews using the magic 6,000,000 number

3.  The Jews were Heroes at Masada.  No one knows what happened at Masada besides the Roman victors, no where in any Jewish document is there a mention of the seige at Masada, where Jews supposedly choose suicide over Roman slavery.  Rabbis religiously record all important events in the Talmud scroll, the siege at Masada is never mentioned.  Masada was one of the greatest events in Jewish history but not recorded in any Jewish book.  Jewish archeology is state propaganda, the excavated bodies found at Masada turned out to be pig bones.  Every Jewish student in Israel takes a tour of Masada even though it is a hoax.  Masada myth is just the same as the Holocaust myth which is just the same as the 911 myth, fabrications out of whole cloth.

In 66 AD the Jewish Zealots revolt against Roman rule, they flee to Jerusalem, the city is sacked in 70 AD, Jews are wiped out, their holiest temple burned to the ground, the Zealots flee to Masada and are sieged by Rome in 72 AD, all Jews are wiped out a year later.  This series of events is the worst defeat for the Jews ever, the Masada myth is like the Holocaust myth, respinning history so that Jews are seen as victors.

4.  Government agencies regulate business and prevent monopolies.  Is the EPA protecting the environment?  Did the EPA do a single thing to stop BP from dumping millions of gallons of Corexit and oil into the ocean?  Or does the existence of the EPA disempower you from doing something about pollution caused by criminals?  

Worst environmental disaster and the EPA is nowhere to be found at the cleanup or during Corexit use:

Does the SEC stop wild speculation and Wall Street ripoffs?  Or do these agencies provide a smokescreen for criminal Jew enterprises?

Jew Bernie Madoff stole $70,000,000,000 yet was a securities regulator at NASDAQ.  He's only in jail because he got caught ripping off his fellow Jews.

Monopolies can only exist because government laws prevent competition.  The government doesn't stop monopolies, it enforces them.

5.  Global Warming is caused by carbon emissions.  CO2 is a trace gas that can not cause anything, atmospheric CO2 levels result from ocean temperatures.  Water vapor is 96% of the greenhouse gas, man made CO2 is 0.117%.  The earth is cooling, the real threat is another ice age, anthropocentric caused CO2 is so minor that it is having absolutely no effect.  Because of this myth, real environmental issues are ignored, corporations promote global warming while they pollute.  Habitat is destroyed while people's focus is diverted to a non issue.  With global warming no real environmental issue will be addressed, the real purpose of the global warming hoax is to enslave mankind based on carbon emissions and use the monies to create a worldwide Jew World Order.

Man made CO2 is 0.117% of the global warming gases, so close to zero it is zero

6.  The Government is trying to stop drugs.  The "government" is run by Jews making trillions off the drug trade.  The war on drugs is a sham, with heroin production fully scaled up Jews can destroy goyim everywhere and make bundles of money doing so. 

US soldiers gaurd the fields if poppies used to make heroin.  Afghanistan heroin production up 90% since the Jew controlled USA invaded.

7.  Voting matters, your vote counts.  That's a real laugh, many voting machines are electronic and can be remoted tampered with.  If all of the people in power are Jews and the Jews are less than 2% of the population, then how is it your vote matters?  If you vote you are putting your rubber stamp of approval on a corrupt and rigged system, you are psychically empowering the evil doers.  Voting between Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee the Jew whores vs. Obama and Hillary the Jew whores is no choice at all.

AIPAC merging Israel with the United States, at what point will you see the Jewish conspiracy?

Obama's czars are all Jews (what an amazing coincidence!)

Economic Czar – Larry Summers
Regulatory Czar – Cass Sunstein
Pay Czar – Kenneth Feinberg
Guantanamo/Military Jails Czar – Daniel Fried
Car Czar – Ron Bloom
Border Czar – Alan Bersin
Climate Czar – Todd Stern
TARP Czar – Herb Allison
Non proliferation Czar – Gary Samore
Terrorism Czar – John O. Brennan
Science Czar – John Holdren
White House Medical Czar – Ezekiel Emanuel
Environmental Czar – Carol Browner
Domestic Violence Czar – Lynn Rosenthal
Govt. Performance Czar – Jeffrey Zients

8.  The Sanctity of Marriage.  Two persons committing to each in ritual is wonderful, legal marriage is insane because a third party, the state, is entered into a contractual relationship.  Once the non working spouse figures out that all can be had through divorce, the marriage is doomed and divorce inevitable.  Marriage is a good way to extort money and houses by unscrupulous partners.  With the institution of marriage the church makes money, the state makes money, attorneys make money and the person actually making the money is screwed for life.  No wonder the Jew licensed churches promote the idea of "god" condoning the sanctity of marriage. 

Women under 18 have a 70% chance of divorce in 20 years, its about the money and who controls it,

with divorce the woman gets control of the man's money, the high divorce rate is caused by the Talmudic laws that the Jews write. Even if the man is the perfect provider and husband, the wife will automatically get custody EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESN'T OWN A HOME OR HAVE A JOB.

American men have yet to figure out that they are getting screwed by design, Jews are intentionally destroying the American male because that is who is a threat to Jewish power.  Jews are aware of what is going on and when a male Jew gets married teams of Jewish lawyers write prenuptial agreements into the marriage contract.  Getting married in America is financial suicide for the man, those men that can't pay alimony or child support lose their driver's license because the welfare system is run by militant male hating Jew lesbian dyke parasitic psychopaths social workers.

9 ..  Liberals are trying to get our guns.  Bible believing Conservatives think the liberals are out to get our guns.  How stupid can you get?  It is the Jews in Congress that want your guns, ALL OF THE GUN LEGISLATION IS SPONSORED BY JEWS, LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER.  ADL pig Abe Foxman wants your gun because he's a Jew that wants you stripped of any means to resist Jewish despotism.  "Liberal" Senator Joe Lieberman wants you gun because he's a treasonous Jew.   The Communistic Bolshevik Revolution was written beforehand by the Jew Karl Marx and carried out by New York Jews.  Brain dead conservative commentators fail to make the connection that the "liberals" and "communists" are Jews with an agenda of destroying the Constitution because they are racist supremacists.

Israeli Jews are fully armed with automatic weapons while Jews in the USA try to disarm Americans, Jews want you disarmed because they want to treat you like Palestinians.

10.  God will save us.  The god of the Bible does not exist, there is no god that can save us from our folly.  There is absolutely no evidence that anything like divine intervention will stop us from destroying our minds, bodies, environment, planet or anything of real importance to the survival of the self or the species.  Because of this myth, people await god's return even as everything is destroyed.  Take a look around you, where is this all powerful god?  There are Jews with tremendous political and money power wrecking society and culture and everything we hold dear because we foolishly believe in the Jew god.

The Judeo Christian death cult turns metaphysics upside down, we are taught to believe that the evil-murdering-psychopathic god is "good", we are taught that the evil-murdering-psychopathic Jews are god's chosen and "holy", we are told that we must help god the all powerful god kill.  Christians think John 3:16 is a great verse when in fact John 3:16 is the most evil verse ever penned; "omniscient"  god tortures and kills his only son to fix his creation and his judgmental sociopathological animosity toward humanity.

11.   The Bible is the Word of God.  The bible is a record of Jew atrocities.  The Jews are the biggest liars and plagiarists, they wrote the Bible not some god.  If you believe in the Jew written Bible then you are making the Jew your god not to mention that your brain will be so confused you won't be able to discern reality ever again.

No creator god picks one race over all others and tells them to kill other parts of creation, but that is what the Bible says, the Bible says the Jews were chosen by god to destroy everyone else.

12.  Jesus is your god and personal savior.  There was no Christ or Jesus, there is no need of salvation because there is no angry sky god Jehovah out to get you because there are no commandments or sin or eternal punishment.  You can not be kept from god because god is the whole and you are part of the whole.  The savior myth is an elaborate mind game, the greatest story ever sold.  The entire Christian myth is plagiarized from sun worship, word for word, detail for detail.  

Christ dieing on the cross and rising in 3 days is a metaphor for the winter solstice.  December 25th the Sun is born again after not moving for 3 days at the lowest point in the sky, do you think that Christmas on the same day is coincidence?

Feb. 1, 2011