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America Ready to Explode into Emotional Rage

Joe Talache

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1.  people will discover the truth about Jewish manipulation of their culture, country, mind, soul

2.  they will lose fear

3.  they will start talking about reality, especially when they are homeless and broke

4.  psychic thresholds will be breached, the word Jew will be used more and more

5.  gatekeepers will be disdained  (recently David Icke was outed as a Jewish apologist and now is following Alex Jones into the obscurity)

6.  the revolution is in your mind, eventually as Americans regain consciousness from the black magic spells put on them by the jewtube and mindless consumerism, they will start screaming in rage (actually they are celebrating their freedom, healing i.e. primal scream therapy)

7.  Glenn Beck was outed but is trying to get back to center stage, he is now using logic right out Eustace Mullin's expose on Jews

Beck attacks evil Jew manipulator Soros:

Glenn Beck is a smart but know-nothing stage actor, in order to maintain his ratings he has to follow the crowd, the people of the USA are waking up to the Jew beast within that is literally gutting this country and wrecking the American dream...  he is follow his lead, that is he is following you

if antisemitism sells then Glenn Beck will engage in antisemitic rants, damn the Rabbid torpedo, as a matter of fact 400 Rabbis are wrong because they believe in the Torah

8.  emotional release is a huge step toward freedom, e - motions are energies in motion, the start of significant change, a step in self healing from the insanity caused by delving into the Jewish mind, watching the jewtube is how one gets not only brainwashed by severely emotionally damaged and soul destroyed.  Judaism is insanity itself, those that get indoctrinated into Jews mentality will kill without compassion or guilt, the Torah is a training manual for psychopaths.

9.  if Fox news is allowing Beck to do what he is doing that might mean the National Security apparatus is changing its tune toward Jewish control, just recently the President was divorced of his Jewish handlers, Obama has not attacked Iran as ordered, Israel has not pulled another false flag within the USA

Jan. 28, 2011