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'Anti-Semitism' Trains Goyim Like Pavlov's Dogs

Tim Warner (for

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I grew up a gentile amongst Jews in the NYC suburbs and the subject of "anti-Semitism" has always amazed me. As I've grown older, it's become even more of an "untouchable issue" as "political correctness" has eroded free speech.

This recently resurfaced for me as I had sent an old Jewish friend an article.  He dismissed it summarily by saying,  "this is anti-Semitic BS", without considering the content. As someone who usually weighs all sides, his reply was uncharacteristically dismissive.

As I said, I grew up amongst Jews. Despite the cliche, many of my best friends were Jewish through high school and beyond. I was an officer in a Jewish dominated men's organization. My wife is Jewish--so if I'm "anti-Semitic," I have a weird way of showing it.

My wife's from a secular Jewish family yet she distinctly remembers having been inculcated with a "persecution complex." Though from a loose dysfunctional family, she clearly had been informed that the Jews were "God's Chosen people,"  TM.  She said the mindset was clearly, "I'm Chosen, therefore I'm persecuted." 

She also told me that the name Jesus would make her recoil and think "that traitor!" Churches to her were dark buildings where mysterious things went on inside. My wife knows she was indoctrinated but doesn't know when or how.

 By the way, she's been wide awake to all this for a long time and totally agrees "anti-Semitism" is a disingenuous (shall we say stereotypically Jewish?) trick used for the purposes of controlling the Gentile mind. They admit they use it as a sleazy trick to disarm their political opponents.

The novel and movie Exodus were commissioned by Zionist propagandists mind control purposes. Exodus justified the theft of the Palestinian homeland by using the holocaust and with Moses' migration out of Egypt.

The musical theme was extremely powerful and effective. I'm a music lover and this theme really engulfed my impressionable young mind and heart.

Exodus was audio-visual mental and emotional programming at its best,  Biblical in proportions. Who's gonna argue with that? Pretty effective stuff. (Read more on the background of this scam here.) 


This spectre of "anti-Semitism" is a form of mind control.  We have been so programmed by guilt, we're like Pavlov's dog. Even whisper the "J" word and wham!--you get jolted with a thousand volts of "anti-Semite!"

pavlov3.jpg(left, Pavlov & Dog)

How DARE you! People even do it to themselves now, the programming is so profound, and you can almost see people self-flagellating when the word is brought up.

It's intimidation pure and simple. They make examples out of "questioners" or "anti-Semites" just to stop anyone from implying anything Jewish, Israeli, or Zionist is wrong. Think Rick Sanchez and Helen Thomas.

"How could you believe in prejudice like that! Don't you know who these people are? They've suffered terribly and if you even START to talk negative it's a slippery slope to an instant Nazi revival and another holocaust!"

When did questioning anything become illegal? And why are Jews always pictured in the best possible light in the press and media, while Christians, Muslims and just about anyone else are 'fair game' for criticism? The fawning and phony sympathy is perpetual and nauseating.

One scholar has a very enlightening take on this phenomenon and its roots:

    "Intensive Jewish propagandizing in all social spheres (mass media, government, the educational apparatus, etc.) since the so-called "Holocaust" of World War II has successfully framed Jewish power, Jewish history, Jewish political activism, and Jewish identity itself to be beyond the realm of reasoned critical inquiry. Anyone who has dared to mount a sustained critique of anything Jewish has faced, at worst, an avalanche of smears, threats, and character assassinations and, at best, the silent treatment: a virtual banishment from the realm of what is declared to be reasoned public discourse."


Makow Comment:

We must distinguish between political and racial anti-Semitism. It's obvious that organized Jewry has a political program synonymous with the Rothschild satanic world government agenda.

This agenda encompasses both Left and Right (since they believe in leading the "opposition" to ensure it goes nowhere.) Masonic Jews, their  Freemason allies, and many dupes, are prominent in advancing this agenda in politics, education, business and the media.

We must take the "anti Semitic" smear away by owning it. In the past,  many legitimate anti-Semitic political movements protected religion, race, nationality and family from the dissoluble effect of Rothschild social engineering. For example, Karl Leugar, the Christian Democratic Party "anti-Semite" Mayor of Vienna from 1897 to 1910 is considered one of the best Mayors the city ever had .    

We are not racial anti-Semites who condemn individuals because of an accident of birth. Many Jews are not Rothschild toadies, just as most Americans do not support their government's war policies.

Nonetheless, as long as most Jews push the NWO agenda, (as Liberals, Socialists, Neo Cons, Communists, Zionists and Feminists) and others refuse to speak out, all inevitably will be tarred. Jews need to know that unwittingly, they are a Trojan Horse for a pretty nasty scenario. This is true also of Freemasons and to a lesser extent people in general. The same folks that control organized Jewry, control most everything else. They're bankers and everything requires money.        

We can counter the Pavlovian programming by saying "the political agenda of organized Jewry is bad, and if its 'anti-Semitic' to oppose evil, I'm proud to be an anti-Semite!"

Until we stop being Pavlov's Dogs, they'll continue to get away with murder, literally.



Related-  Joseph Sobran "For Fear of the Jews"

What is Anti-Semitism?

Anti Semitism = What Organized Jewry hates to hear

Jan. 24, 2011
