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Tis not the Reptiles - but the Rabbis

John Kaminski

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To defend Judaism in any manner is a moral crime against humanity.
Best wishes,

John Kaminski

It's not the New World Order it's the Jew World Order
It's not the British Broadcasting Corporation it's the B'nai Brith Corporation
It's not the newspapers it's Jewpapers
It's not the television it's the TALMUDvision
It's not Youtube it's Jewtube
Communism and socialism = JEWISH construct
Freemasonry = JEWISH construct

Naziism = JEWISH construct (stems from AshkaNAZI)

Scientology = JEWISH construct

Jehovah witnesses = JEWISH construct

Women's liberation = JEWISH construct (to break up the family and tax the women)

Gay movement and sexual revolution = JEWISH construct (again to break up the family and to then break up society)

Every single war - instigated, financed and controlled by the jews

The alcohol industries - instigated, financed and controlled by the jews

The drug industry - instigated, financed and controlled by the jews

The porn industry - instigated, financed and controlled by the jews

The corrupt health care system - owned, financed and controlled by the jews

The education system - owned, financed and controlled by the jews

The media - owned, financed and controlled by the jews

The mainstream film industry - owned, financed and controlled by the jews

The corrupt banking system - owned, financed and controlled by the jews in infinitum

THEREFORE YOU ARE OWNED BY THE JEWS - yes you are a jewish owned slave, that's who you work for or have worked for. It only takes a little digging to see that every negative aspect in your life was directly or indirectly caused by this tribe.