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Comment: The Moral Treason of David Icke

Anton Miller

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I am not sure why John Kaminski is choosing to take potshots at David Icke for David’s stance on “Rothschild Zionism”, but David Icke is not guilty of Moral Treason nor has he committed such an act. In closer review of this article, if David Icke is guilty of anything he is guilty of not limiting himself to the more myopic view of the “Jew conundrum” prescribed by Kaminski. In other words David Icke is simply not on the same page with the narrowed view Kaminski has a passion for. This may be due to the fact David Icke probably realizes that master identity thieves have fomented a scenario to keep confusion in process constantly, namely that “Jew” is a recently invented word, is serving as a weapon in the divide and conquer protocols, is a fiction, a figment, a term of convenience, and has nothing to do with a race of people or a specific race blessed by God, other than perhaps God Jehovah Satan! Mr. Kaminski may want to take a second look in the mirror and see that in referencing Zionism, David Icke is identifying the practices, the policies, and the methods of operations of the master identity thieves of all time on this planet, namely the Khazars. Journal #26: 'COUNTERFEIT BLESSINGS, THE ANTI-CHRIST BY ANY NAME: KHAZARS...AND THEY WERE LIARS FROM THE BEGINNING!' posted on the front page of Fourwinds10 today provides deep insights into this Truth! It is the Khazars, Mr. Kaminski, and the union of many divisions of Satan’s minions, not just your “ so called Jews” orchestrating the evil upon and within this planet. Your contributions concerning the operations of these “so called Jews” is noteworthy, but is not by any means the whole show and does not give you ground to accuse David Icke of moral treason.

Mr. Kaminski, you have stated :

“Ask yourself this question, David Icke. How could anyone be a good anything who came out of a system that is rotten to the core?”

Have not all of us come from a system that is rotten to the core? Have you not come from a system that is rotten to the core? Are we all not enslaved in a world system deep rooted in an evil web? This is just because of “so called, self styled Jews”? There they go again, getting the attention, getting the spotlight they so intensely crave!

In Love and Light,

Anton Miller

Jan. 15, 2011