The Ultimate Treasure Map
John Kaminski
How is that maintained? Proper nutrition and exercise. What about happiness? That is the most important ingredient. It is obtained solely through sense of purpose — having an unshakable belief in that what you are doing is the right thing.
When you do that, at least you’ll know you’re on the right road because the quality of the information you receive immediately gets better. Most of all when delegitimizing mainstream media in your own mind, you find yourself suddenly free of annoying things you never had any wish to hear, as well as suddenly deprived of the false information of mainstream news, and its neverending appeals to make you terrified of the real world so they can sell you a higher volume of the unnecessary products they sell.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida preaching the message that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know what it means. 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA
Jan. 11, 2011