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Jewish Banking and Financial Manipulations

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The world of high finance is a Jewish world. War and revolution is interwoven with International Jewish Finance. These purveyors of disturbance have no political affiliations. National loyalty (if it exists for them ) is subordinated to the business of international finance

Some of the main Jewish Banking Houses are :


August Belmont & Co.

J. & W. Seligman & Co.

Kuhn Loeb & Co. (Warburg)

Lehman Brothers

Goldman, Sachs & Co.

The Jewish Encyclopaedia claims that the great fortune accumulated by the Rothschilds was based on the "businesslike" method of fraud, i.e. Mayer Rothschild embezzled the sum of $3,000,000 which his employer had left in his trust when he was forced to flee to Denmark.

Mayer Amschel Bauer was born in the mid-eighteenth century and, worked for Prince William of Hanau as court factor and agent for the Prince's trade in mercenaries. He then changed his name to Rothschild and established his five sons in European cities. Anslem in Frankfurt, Solomon in Vienna, Nathan in London, Charles in Naples and James in Paris.

"They saw neither peace nor war, neither slogans or manifestos, nor orders of the day, neither death nor glory. They saw none of the things that blinded the world. They saw only steppingstones. Prince William had been one. Napoleon would be the next."

(Quote from "The Rothschilds" by Frederic Morton.)

For the United States Jewish high finance first arrived with the Rothschilds. The first twenty million dollars they speculated with was the money paid for Hessian troops to fight against the American colonies.

That first connection was indirect and in fact the Rothschild sons never established themselves in the newly-founded United States but always acted through agents.

Their fortune was based, as are many other Jewish fortunes, on war.

Much depended on the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo. Having learned through his own news grapevine that Napoleon had been defeated, Nathan Rothschild publicly sold his British Consuls on the floor of the London Stock Exchange. As he had anticipated, his fraudulent action caused a panic and a disastrous drop in price. He, meantime, through his agents, bought all the Consuls back at rock bottom price and increased his fortune.

The French Government, now under Louis XV111, borrowed from the banks, Ouvrard and Baring Brothers, ignoring the Rothschilds .

In 1818 the French government bonds began to fall. Using the same method that Nathan Rothschild had pulled off with British Consuls, the Rothschild agents had bought in huge quantities of the French government bonds causing them to rise in value then dumped them on the open market in the main commercial centres in Europe causing a panic, while the Rothschilds waited in the wings. The king was forced to call them in and in this way they obtained financial control of France.

The United States was to be their next target. The first documented evidence of Rothschild involvement in the financial affairs of the United States came in the late 1820s and early 1830s when their agent, Nicholas Biddie, fought to defeat Andrew Jackson's move to curtail international bankers. The Rothschilds lost the first round. In 1832 President Jackson vetoed the move to renew the charter of the "Bank of the United States" (a central bank controlled by the international bankers) and in 1836 the bank went out of business.

In the years following Independence, a close business relationship had developed between the cotton-growing aristocracy in the South and the cotton manufacturers in England. The European bankers decided that this business was America's Achilles Heel.

History reveals that the Rothschilds were heavily involved in financing both sides in the Civil War. Lincoln put a damper on their activities when in 1862 he refused to pay the exorbitant rates of interest demanded by the Rothschilds and issued constitutionally authorised interest-free United States notes. Lincoln's assassination in 1865 probably stemmed from this action.

After Lincoln's death, Otto von Bismark made the following statement:

"The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it systematically to corrupt modern civilisation. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos in order that the earth should become their inheritance."

Having founded their fortune on fraud, the Rothschilds sank from the limelight, but remain the hidden hand behind many fronts.

Many of the international Jewish financiers have had their beginnings in Frankfurt, among these are the Schiffs and the Speyers.

The firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., was founded by Jacob Schiff whose father was one of the Rothschild brokers. One of Jacob Schiff's associates, Otto Kahn, was associated with the Speyers, (who came to power in England during the reign of Edward VII). Another associate, Felix Warburg, married into Jacob Schiff's family and became some of the most influential members of America's diplomatic representatives.

The main agents in the United States between this period and 1914 were Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and J.P. Morgan Co.

Within twenty years Kuhn Loeb whose new partner, had important financial connections in Europe (i.e. Rothschilds and M.M. Warburg,) had provided the capital for John D. Rockefeller to expand Standard Oil and also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (Railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (Steel).

The next step was the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve System.

It is known that Jacob Schiff gave material assistance to Japan in the 1905 war with Russia.

Jewry emerged from the 1914-1918 war more strongly entrenched, as it did from the Second World War. Its position enhanced by the sentimental euphoria of the Holocaust myth.

Following the Second World War the creation of the World Bank, Director: Robert Zoellick who replaced Paul Wolfowitz, (ex US Deputy Defence Secretary and architect of the Iraq war) and the International Monetary Fund served to tighten the stranglehold.

Like the tentacles of a giant octopus, flank movements reached out to other countries - notably to Central and South America.

The financial assistance offered to Mexico was given by Jewish groups. The political upheavals and the financial arrangements in the tiny but strategically placed countries of Central America all came from the same source. (An aspect dealt with more fully under the heading "South America" elsewhere on this site.)

There could be the promise of a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for South America.

In the closing weeks of 2007 a region in revolt against the economics of corporate globalisation issued its most unified declaration of independence to date.

On December 9th standing before the flags of their countries the Presidents of Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela along with the representative from Uruguay gathered in Buenos Aires and signed the founding charter of the Banco del Sur or the Bank of the South.

The Bank of the South will allow the participating governments to use a percentage of their collective currency reserves to strengthen Latin America's economy and promote cooperative development. It plans lending as early as 2008 with about 7 billion dollars in capital.

By itself the Bank represents a serious challenge to US dominated institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Inter-American Bank (IDB) as part of a larger trend it signals a major break from the policies of "Free Trade" neo-liberalism that dominated in the region through the eighties and nineties.

The bankers of the south are keenly aware of the significance of this break. In the words of the Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, the" Bank is aimed at freeing us from the chains of dependance and under-development".

President Chavez who regularly clashes with the Bush administration, took over ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips' stakes in multi-billion dollar heavy oil projects in Venezuela's oil region last June.

A move that could not be allowed to go without a counter attack. ExxonMobil Corporation which last week (January 2008) posted the largest ever year's profits by a US company said it had received court orders in Britain, the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles each freezing up to $12 billion in assets of the Venezuelan oil firm PDVSA as it fights for compensation for operations lost to President Hugo Chavez's nationalisation drive.

The move is the boldest challenge yet by international oil companies against any governments around the world that have moved to increase their hold on natural resources.

On February 10 in response President Chavez threatened to stop the supply of oil to the United States.

Russia's "Oligarchs":

Fraud or deception of some kind has been the basis for most modern fortunes. The collapse of the Soviet State saw the rise of numerous tycoons who acquired state enterprises when these were sold off and vouchers issued to the population in lieu of cash or shares. Buying the virtually worthless vouchers, gave control of vast riches.

A bigger scandal was the loans for shares scheme of 1995 when Russia's prime industrial assets were sold off to the "oligarchs" in exchange for loans to the government.

Boris Berezovsky bought 51 per cent of the Sibneft oil company for $100 million that two years later was valued at $5 billion. (now $12.5 billion)

Mikhail Khodorkovsky paid $309 million for 78 per cent of Yukos oil (worth in 2003 $30 billion) the world's fourth largest oil producer after ExxonMobil, Shell and BP.

Boris Beresovsky formed the LogoVAZ car dealership and ended up worth $3 billion owning ORT television, the Izvestiyg newspaper and Sibneft oil Company. He also controlled Aeroflot and had shares in LUKoil.

His close business partner Roman Abramovich set up a co-operative making toys and moved into oil trading in Omsk. His other interests were Russian Aluminium (Rusal) the world's second largest producer, the Gaz car company, the Transneft Oil company and a minority stake in Aeroflot.

Vladimir Gusinsky branched out into banking and the Media-Most group which included NTV, Moscow Echo radio, Itogi magazine and the Segodnya newspaper.

Mikhail Fridman is head of Russia's largest private bank. Alfa Bank. His other interests include TNK oil company, which recently linked up with BP.

As is apparent every one of these new billionaires is Jewish. None of them previously owned more than a few thousand dollars. How did they manage to put up the money to buy these vastly under-priced assets which gave them virtual control of the Press, oil and minerals?

Putin's attack on these new-rich oligarchs for tax evasion and fraud can certainly be heralded as a brave move. He is the first national leader to attempt to dislodge the Jewish control, but time alone will tell whether this is genuine.

(The following is an extract from "Jews and Money: the Myths and the Reality" by Gerald Krefetz, himself a Jew.):

The five Rothschild brothers who had banks in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and Naples, Eleichroder in Berlin, Warburg in Hamburg, Oppenheim in COlogne and Speyer in Frankfurt, individual Jews founded banks from London (Hambros ) to Bombay (Sassoons ) to Petersburg ( Guenzburg ) and a number of points in between.

Besides these personal or private banks, roughly equivalent to merchant banks or investment banks today, Jews helped to establish a number of important stock banks or commercial banks: the Deutsche Bank and the Dresdner Bank ; two of Germany's big three ; the French Credit Mobilier, and the Bank de Paris et des Pays Bas, the Italian Banca Comerciale italiana, and Credito Italiano, the Creditan-Stalt-Bankverein and Banque de Bruxelles amongst others.

There were a few Jewish bankers in the United States : Haym Salomon of revolutionary fame and Isaac Moses who, with Alexander Hamilton, was one of the founders of the Bank of New York in 1784. It was not until the German/Jewish immigration of the 1840s that the presence of Jewish bankers was felt in America.

Some of the established German Banks sent representatives but for the most part the German/Jewish bankers rose from the ranks only after they arrived.

Between 1840 and 1880 a dozen banking houses were started: Bache; Auguste Belmont; Goldman, Sachs; J. W. Seligman; Kuhn, Loeb; Ladenburg, Thalmann; Lazard Frères; Lehman Brothers; Speyer; and Wertheim.

Influential, but unorthodox, in financial matters and inbred like the Rothschilds, their children married each other. Jewish bankers projected an image of concentrated power because they often acted in concert, collaborating on financial deals.

This collection of Jewish bankers and banks in both Europe and America convinced many people that the Jews were out to dominate and control the world.

At the height of nationalistic resurgence in the 19th century, the Rothschilds were developing international syndicates, a form of international banking. In twentieth century America Jewish businessmen were developing investment banking expertise to finance consumer-oriented businesses. department stores, Alaskan fisheries, movies, theatres, copper mining and smelting, airlines and clothing factories.

In the 1960s Jews were again in the forefront in creating a new business form - the conglomerate, a multi-purpose holding company whose disparate profit centres were purely synergistic, greater than the sum of its component parts. It was not a Jewish invention, that probably belongs to Roy Little of Textron, but Lehman Brothers, Lazard Frères, and Goldman Sachs were forcible in selling the new notion.

Besides the self-interest of these investment banking houses, mergers and acquisitions generated volumes of new corporate issues that Wall Street underwrote, sold and traded.

Besides the investors in conglomerate shares and debentures, the people who had the most to lose were the staid managements of the victim companies, for the most part the take-over candidates were old industrial companies with secure, if unexciting, markets, substantial assets with little debt, under-utilised capital, high dividends, diverse ownership and no immediate growth prospects.

The conglomerate era of the sixties, abetted by a high-flying stock market and a prolonged boom was really a non-too subtle attack on established corporations.

Though the accounting was devious and the newly issued paper of dubious value, the conglomerate posed a substantial threat to the corporate status quo. By the late sixties the stalwarts of American industry and finance such as Chemical Bank, Goodrich, Great American Insurance, Jones & Laughlin and Pan American were under the gun, and naturally in the spirit of free enterprise they ran to the government for protection.

James Ling of Ling-Temco-Vaught, Roy Ashe of Littom and Roy Little of Textron were joined by Ben Heineman of North-West Industry, Howard Newman of Philadelphia and Reading, Saul Steinberg of Leasco, Charles Bludhorn of Gulf and Western, Riklas of Rapid American, Lawrence Tish of Loess, each practising the highest form of "creative" Capitalism. These Jewish conglomerate builders, from the flamboyant to the conservative, spearheaded the attack, aided by clever investment bankers, a permissive Democratic president and a credulous public. They shook up old managements, created anomalous corporations and provided Wall Street with the strength of dazzling investment vehicles.

Just about everyone suffered grieviously when reality in the form of recession and a strict Republican administration returned in the 1970s.

The old establishment was Republican whilst the Jewish investment bankers and conglomerate builders were strongly represented in the Democratic party. The Nixon administration immediately directed the Justice Department Anti-Trust Division against what had been called "the Jewish-cowboy" connection, i.e. the Wall Street financiers and Texas oil men.

The "Jewish-cowboy" connection contained some oil companies: Amerada-Hess, Tidewater, Kerr-McGee, Halliburton, airlines: American, Braniff, Continental, Movies: Paramount, Twentieth-Century Fox and Metro Goldwyn-Meyer, and, best of all consumer goods and merchandising: Sears, Jewel Tear, Gimbel's, Macy's, City Stores, Allied Department Stores.

The Nixon attack cut the conglomerates to the quick . The Stock Market reappraised their values. Within the first couple of months of the new adminstration 13 conglomerates lost 5 billion. It marked the end of an era, and the Jews emerged relatively unscathed.

It is worthy of comment that hitherto the Jews have played the "undercover game", right from Jakob Fugger in the early sixteenth century, acting surreptiously mainly through agents with the Freemasons their principal conduit. Is this advertising of their perfidity now a sign of acknowledgment of guilt or is it bravado?

There is a Zionist dominance in the British economy, names like Goldsmith, Clore, Wolfson, Joseph, Bentley and Maxwell all of whom implemented the breakdown of long-established English companies to their own gain causing thereby a loss of employment for many workers.

"The plan I think is the old one of world dominion in a new form ... The money power and the revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes, (Capitalism or Communism) and sharply defined citadels (America and Russia). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses, but what if similar men with a common aim secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe that any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case." (Douglas Reed.)

The Bible defines usury as an abomination but it is also defined as a means of gaining power over others.

"And thou shalt lend unto many nations but thou shalt not borrow. And thou shalt reign over many nations but they shall not reign over thee." Deuteronomy 15:16


"Thou shalt lend to many nations and thou shalt not borrow and the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail, and thou shalt be above only and thou shalt not be beneath." Deuteronomy 28.12

This is the Levitical priesthood speaking not the God of the New Testament.

Far worse than usury on money already in existence is "fiat"-money, money created out of nothing nearly always as interest-bearing debt.

"The main mark of modern government is that we do not know who governs de facto any more than de jure . We see the politician and not his backer, still less the backer of the backer or, what is most important of all, the banker of the backer, throned about all in a manner without parallel in all the past is the veiled prophet of finance, swaying all men living by a sort of magic." (G. K. Chesterton.)

Cultural subversion is massively encouraged by the Media of the money establishment the most degraded drug-sodden artists are held up as models to be admired and emulated by the young. (Kate Moss, Britney Spears and Madonna.)

Western Super-capitalism lives in constant dread of nationalism and thus also of monarchies. An all important factor, with a binding and directing influence on all the other components of the twentieth-century world revolution, is that of Zionism, which can be described as a geographically dispersed, but intensely united and passionately motivated Jewish nationalism.

Paradoxically the Jewish people have come to the fore as a dominant influence in world affairs at a time when most Jews attach little or no importance to a religion which for close on two millenia was a powerful binding force.

There is only one political weapon that Super Capitalism can use against nationalism and that is a communist ideology that marshals the forces of the underworld and of rootless intellectualism holding them ready to be aimed like a battering ram against any nationalist target.

The World Revolution can thus be described as a struggle in which one powerful nation is bent on the overthrow of all other nations.

The brilliant and penetrating words of authors Christian de Brie and Jean de Maillard explain the actual world economic and political situation.

"By allowing capital to flow unchecked from one end of the world to the other, globalisation and the abandon of sovereignity have together fostered the explosive growth of an outlaws' financial market. It is a coherent system closely linked to the expansion of modern capitalism and is based on the association of three partners : governments, trans-national corporations,and the Mafias.

Business is business. Financial crime is first and foremost a market, thriving and structured, ruled by supply and demand. Big business complicity plus political laissez-faire is the only way that large- scale organised crime can launder and re-cycle the fabulous proceeds of its activities and the trans-nationals need the support of governments and the neutrality of regulatory authorities in order to consolidate their position, increase their profits, withstand the competition, pull off the deal of the century and finance their illicit operations.

Politicians are directly involved. Their ability to intervene depends upon the backing and the funding of the people in power. This collusion of interest is an essential part of the world economy, the oil that keeps the wheels of capitalism turning."

For more on Jewish control

Or: Capitalism

Dec. 27, 2010