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Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

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Part of our continuing series, “Everything You Think You Know You Learned From A Liar,” we are going to talk a bit, a short talk as it is the holiday season, about Semites.  Semites are people from the Middle East,  not a race, but a language group.  There is no Semite or Semitic race and never has been.  There are Semites, however,  They are people who speak Semitic languages or, if we want to apply a more modern and inaccurate definition, folks from areas where those languages, Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge’ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya and several others were spoken.

Hebrew is one of these and Jews who come from areas where Hebrew was spoken, in continuity, as a language, can be Semites as are all Arabic speakers.  Since half the Hebrew speakers, anecdotally of course are Americans and Arabic speakers are spread across the world, it is fair to pull the borders in, let’s say from Ethiopia to Turkey to the border of Iran and into the Arabian Peninsula.

So, when you are talking about Antisemitism, you are talking about people who hate folks from that region, a racial mix of fully African to generally Middle Eastern.  Of course, when we use a linguistic group to describe a racial or religious division, we have automatically become liars.  When Israel welcomes Jews from Africa, they are welcoming pure Semites, maybe the purest Semites in all of Israel.

So, how does this apply to Helen Thomas?  Remember when she said that she wanted the Jews from Germany and Poland and Russia to go back home?  Helen Thomas is a ProSemite.  She may even be an extremist, almost like the Zionists.


Her issue, of course, is that she believes that Zionism, the belief by Jews that all “original Semitic regions,” constitute “Greater Israel” and are the exclusive domain of what they consider an exclusive racial group that also practices the religion of Judaism.  “Greater Israel” is, as Zionists describe it, all lands from the Nile in Egypt to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and south, including the Arabian Peninsula.  This, pretty much, covers the regions of the original language group, the Semites, noticeably leaving out Ethiopia and other regions of Africa.  As for why these areas are omitted, we have our suspicions based on more than a bit of controversy within Israel about “racial purity” and “African blood” but that’s another story for another day.

Thomas insists that “settlers” who are displacing Palestinians, pure “Semites” if there really is such a thing, which we know there isn’t, are mostly European.  Despite attempts by pseudo-science to claim there is a Jewish gene, one some claim is tied to the last surviving Neanderthals, who fled to the Caucasus Mountains, no real ties between Jews and Neanderthals has ever been established.  Neanderthals, with their larger brains and aggressive nature, well, we don’t need to go there.  This kind of thinking befits the people who used to predict criminal behavior by measuring heads and checking for bumps.  Phrenology


Dec. 26, 2010